To be a Projector means ...
First a story -
Yesterday I said something I think is interesting in response to John (the hubs)... and later repeated it to my oldest daughter who agreed (she said something about loving how stoic I am).
John said something along the lines of “what’re you struggling with” ... can’t remember in reference to what tbh, but it was an interesting off-hand and generic projection in a way (he does a lot of talking like this - homogenized this and that - till I call him out ... he is a 2nd line lol ... and then we can actually talk about this or that .. or not)
So, much as it could have been taken as a projection, I also totally appreciated what he said because this is what got pulled out from me next - not defensively - more matter-of-factly...
I said: “hmm ... I don’t struggle”
Then a couple breaths later ... “I also don’t really suffer”
And he thought about it (like he was searching the data banks of his 28years of memories of me) and said “hmm yeah I guess that’s pretty much true huh 🤔 “
I remember questioning a line I read in a book when I was having a solo meal at a resort in the Dominican Republic about 4 years ago.
It’s a book called something like “Everyone Has a Story” ... I just hunted for it (to no avail) and need to track it down still ‘cause it feels like it could be time to revisit some Storyselling practice and activities...
But anyway, point is, I came to a sentence in that book on that deck, on a beautiful sunny day overlooking the ocean that read “everyone struggles”
That stopped me dead in my tracks - it’s where I left off reading that book in fact. And I still remember that moment in time distinctly.
I even messaged my HD mentor at the time. Because it blew me away so completely.
“Is this true??” I asked him.
More on this sometime maybe when it’s not the middle of the night 🙃😋
Here’s a bit from Ra that somehow goes with this - maybe the example of John’s question “moving me along” is the connection here.
“To be a Projector means that you do not simply take in conditioning, you take in conditioning that generates, motivates and moves your process.
It's not that you're dependent on the other.
You were not designed to be dependent on anything.
You are designed, however, to be in a world in which energy is available, and that's very different.
This is what the invitation is all about.
If Projectors would trust in the power of their aura, their auras will pull to them the attention, the recognition, and the correct invitation to the energies that they are here to recognize and to guide.”
[Photo sourced by Chaitanya]