Make You Feel My Love - A Gate 1 Melancholy & mundane Emotional Wave Story
Not sure that's the right title for this, but it's what came out so I'm rolling with it.
This story began in a FB group. Where many of my stories do.
I can't actually remember the thread or how we ended up in messenger, but the reason we did was because 5/1 Projector with Gate 1 on an undefined G center ... had music of hers to share but hasn't been able to share it so far.
Am still waiting to see if the rest of the story gets shared with me.
So she asked me what sort of music I liked and did I want something more abstract (I think it was) or a vocal cover. I chose vocal cover and she picked this one.
I felt it to my core.
Not sure if part of that was related to some of what she'd already (not intentionally) told me ... 5th line folks can take a lot of patience to draw out - that's been my experience so far anyway.
Some feel interesting enough to spend the energy on :) That's true here.
A kind of sidenote to this is that both my Uranus Opposition (40ish yo) and Chiron (50ish yo) charts carry a 3/5 and it feels like, though I'm not a 5th line - I do sort of get the flavor.
She's a 5/1 emo Projector.
For anyone who isn't already familiar with that - she lives in a projection field, would tend to do better with strangers as far as recognition (the 5th line ideal is to swoop in with a 'perfect' solution and then be able to slip away before any untoward projections might form), and as a Projector also has to wait for the invitation/recognition.
So what, with an undefined G in tow, might she be doing while she waits and then waits again for clarity (per emotional Authority)?
Why, whatever that 1st line feels like contributing creatively (she has a second dormant potential Gate on her G also, but today is all about Gate 1)
See, Gate 1 is in her Neptune on both sides - Neptune is "unusualness" ... Gate 1.5 is conscious and Gate 1.6 is unconscious.
If you've taken in my Setting Your Human Design Foundations courses, or had one of my (super rare) private sessions - you'll have heard me say that Red is 'how people experience us' - meaning that Red Gates and Channels may be unfamiliar to us, but the people around us may well know those bits quite clearly.
Part of who she (inconsistently) is - is a creative role model. Or she could be if her 5th line can come to terms with the possibility of haters being part of that same #projectorsuccess experience. 'Cause there's no escaping that.
The emotional projector part (we both are this Authority) we got to watch as I asked for a thumbs up to share her song with you - which she took some time to let her wave consider.
Then when she came back - it was yeah sure, I don't know anyone in your community - go for it. At that point I only had energy enough to post an "It's coming" note, which I did about a week ago or so.
This morning I was thinking about it again and ready to add something outside what my usual box has been here lately and I thought - hey I wonder where that link is.
But then I got waylaid by a message from someone who'd watched the virus videos posted yesterday.
No sooner had I wrapped that up ... here comes this singing gal - 'can I ask you a question?' - perfect timing, now I don't have to hunt for that link.
But there was also more to be added to the story. She was surprised and also glad that I hadn't shared it yet.
Okay perfect - because I literally hadn't any energy for it till about 20 minutes ago lol. (that makes this a nearly 2 week adventure in the making)
See, it turns out she was grappling with identity to the degree of "should I be using a pseudonym?" - that was the question she came to knock around.
Open G me is like - 'sure that's cool' 🙃
So she gets me an anonymous link. And I realize that I could download it as an MP3 and test out the 'podcast' feature in here.
I download it and listen again - my computer opens up iTunes to do that with ... and holy heck, what auto plays next??
Ra talking about Gate 1's melancholy.
So I listen to that and get goosebumps - because I can hear that it's a perfectly timed resource for her right now. And I'm talking PERFECT.
Unexpected Cross - activate! :)
I share it with her. She's changed forever.
Cannot. Plan. This. Stuff.
I'm going to add the Gate 1 Melancholy audio to the comments.
If you want the same order I heard them in -
1. listen to her recording
and then
2. listen to Ra (link in comments)
My mind was blown watching this all unfold :)
Here's the Lyrics:
Make You Feel My Love-
She called it an Adele cover (maybe Adele tweaked the words or composition somehow? dunno, my first line stopped investigating lol) ...
But it was apparently written by Bob Dylan in 1969.
Click the play button to listen to her 🥰