A fair point about “Purpose” and “Mission”
Something about my Open G awareness, I think, played its part in releasing what little concern had maybe been programmed into me about ‘Purpose’.
I’ve often said that the whole find your passion, live your purpose bla bla in the air of the generation I was born into anyway - is completely incorrect & pure Notself conditioning (might even go so far as to label it toxic, which you maybe know is a word I don’t use lightly) for the white G/Self center.
And I just bumped into this post from Oleksander that encouraged even more clarity about that - and there’s a comment on the post that I can add below too.
It’s from a 6th line MP - earlyish in his experiment, a few years maybe - lends some further nuance to maybe consider.
Oleksander writes -
“It's one of the funniest concept there is - the purpose. Because you can never know your purpose.
If you know it, you're screwed, cause this mental knowing will mess up your potential realisation/fulfillment of it.
What you can only know is that right now you have a sensation of being in alignment with it.
With what? With your purpose.
What purpose? You don't know.
You just feel aligned or disaligned with it.
And yes, you can know a lot of empowering keynoting formulas for your design, your profile, your cross, your cognitive trajectory, etc, etc. (cause, after all, it's form that defines purpose)
And they help you in trusting your sense of purpose and not distracting too much in something else.
But it's not like you can know it.
You can make sense of some of it retrospectively, if you're lucky.
But to know it beforehand, no no.
Only ones own feeling, a sensation. And it can be watched retrospectively, like "oh, i knew, i always felt that i want to do this, despite all the distractions and mindfuck".
So there's a mission but you can't know it.
The mission actually is the same for each of us - the mission is being oneself.
("missionary" speaking here)”