“First the 43 and now the 23, the harmonic that would form the Channel of Structuring - A design of Individuality (aka Genius to Freak)… how nice!
Gate 23 - The Gate of Assimilation, Splitting Apart, Explain One’s Knowing, A Blurter…
This is a Throat Center Gate, part of Individual Circuitry - The Individual Knowing Circuit. As with the other side, the ability to explain something happens in a pulse… when it is ready it comes; now it can be blurted out, incorrectly or wait for the recognition and invitation to speak, as it too, is a Projected gate (the difference between “telling” vs “sharing”) … also part of the Stream of Knowing - it expresses what it knows.
Above the Line: Amorality. The awareness and understanding that leads to the acceptance of diversity.
This is not about morality… a “better” or “worse”, “right” or “wrong”… it is a voice that contributes individual insights. It can “insist” or “desist” through whether it “knows” or not. Not a judgmental voice, though it can be incorrectly expressed that way.
When one cannot explain themselves clearly, melancholy can ensue… “I don’t know why, but I cannot explain myself clearly.”
Without the 43, with its unique insights, it can be a challenge to gather these potential insights and explain/share them - hence the aforementioned melancholy and bitterness…
This gate is found in the Quarter of Civilization - Purpose fulfilled through Form (1st part = Learning). This is about potentially bring thought into form… (into the body or things, like books).
The Godhead is Maia - it’s a civilizing force to educate civilization… the potential mutative explanation or not. As a not-self conditioning force, this is about coming from a place that homogenizes others and not toward the individual and its uniqueness. One-size-fits-all propaganda.
Human Design is about the unique individual … not some homogenized suppressed expression of a person. It shows one how unique you truly are… we are bombarded by layers of conditioning that make us something we are not. What the Tribe and/or Collective wants us to be, and not rock the boat. Why people with strong individual definition are seen as different, weird, or not “normal”; and even these people are not truly living uniquely and correctly as they can.
This is the reality on this plane… and why this knowledge can show how to be oneself. I am very grateful for it, indeed!
My individual voice … 😉
*** Note: some are wired to be very Tribal or Collective. We are an amalgam of things…. The point is potentially to be the unique “you” you are designed to be.”