The only task for Projectors
[Maybe hold this lightly my undefined Ajna friends 😌]
“The only task that you have as a Projector is to be aware.
The more aware you are, the more successful you are going to be.
The more aware you are, the more energy access you will have and it won't cost you.
It's knowledge that makes the difference. You're the only type that's here to be different because of what you know, or understand, or make sense of.
You're not here for the physical transformation of the planet. You're here for the intellectual transformation of the planet.
For a Projector, ignorance is the most dangerous thing in your life. It just is.
What you cannot grasp intellectually can always threaten you, because your life is determined by your intellectual capabilities.
It's determined by your capacity to recognize.
It's determined by your depth.”
- Ra Uru Hu
[via Debbie Barnett]