Everything conditions us. Everything.
Mark Germain shared -
[I literally just said something like this to @Zavia in DM and then I open FB to read Mark’s post 🙃]
“A few people of late (and prior), asked me to post things about HD from my experienced perspective, and the following was from one of the conversations I had, so here goes:
Everything is conditioning… Everything.
Now, conditioning, on its own, is neither “good” or “bad”, it just is.
Every encounter with another, individuals, small groups, large groups, among many others, is full of conditioning. Conditioning is a teacher/teaching and a lesson… we teach and learn with each other, whether we know it or not, consciously and unconsciously, ALL the time.
We each put out a frequency that others can potentially be influenced by, conditioned, especially if around for long periods of time, but can be moments, too…. Depending on the status of the “teacher” and that of the “student” as well. We each have a certain configuration that we are born with… with its respective definition (the teacher (mostly)) and openness (the student (mostly))… so mechanics plays a huge part on how these interactions unfold in each respective instance.
This begins at birth… our first seven years are huge developmentally, especially with the brain and its cognitive capacity, which if being fully realized, makes a tremendous difference in the individual, which is about living more correctly as Self. To realize one’s cognitive potential and potential to truly become a differentiated, unique Individual, rather than a greatly diminished, suppressed, homogenized version, that lacks real uniqueness and less cognitive capacity.
However, just about everyone was raised incorrectly according to their design… so the conditioning/lessons lead to the not-self, shadow aspects, and its accompanying baggage. Hence, the world we experience, with all its distortions and things that just do not work well.
In the openness (what’s not colored in in a chart), is the potential for wisdom; or, where we get conditioned to make not-self, mental decisions, and/or think what we are experiencing is oneself, instead of it being correctly identified as someone else’s, which one can amplify and be seen as embuing that quality to others, doubly-so, when it is not you at all, just conditioning.
In contrast, Definition can bring a consistency, something that is fixed, reliable and true (for the most part, as it too can get distorted).
As Self (or when becoming Self), conditioning can be beautiful… the correct kind…. The correct environment, people, situations, makes a huge difference. But how does one know??? Truly know???
Awareness of the mechanics is paramount if one is truly here to see how this all plays out. How one is defined or undefined/open, and what that means is significantly important. It is in the details….
To live as Self in a deeply homogenizing field of consciousness is quite a remarkable feat… it really is… as again, everything is conditioning.
The questions are: Who is your Teacher? What are the lessons? What did you learn? Did it result in bringing your Signature to realization, or not?”