A Possibility for Mental Projectors (& those who want to support them)
Dear Mental Projectors,
Sometimes, when I head over to Canva to interpret my next idea into a visual, it's impromptu and still on my wave.
Other times, like this one, it's something that been on my wave for a very (very) long time.... I'm talking years in this case.
I have a feeling that a mailing list could be the most efficient thing to next put in place, but that's the sort of thing that doesn't happen for me by Mind, rather, it'll happen by tipping point (or not).
For now, I share this image to see if you like the idea of it.
Like all of my projects - because of my Markets-Interior environment, there has to be a support the supporter amount involved, but I think most will be pleasantly surprised. I do want you to have that heads up though. No gotchas waiting around the corners.
I have an interesting relationship with Mental Projectors which has maybe lead me here. Things about my Design that make me a unique choice.
And I have multiple stories to share, if you invite me to. Stories about the discoveries I made about how my Design can be a pretty perfect interface with Mental Projectors (who recognize me, of course).
Tbh, most MPs used to drive me a bit cuckoo and I could be easily exhausted by the interactions. But then I recognized in myself why that was. I was guiding you incorrectly. Actively rather than passively is maybe the most succinct way to describe it.
Again, we can expand through discussion later if that's interesting.
My biggest recognition was when I understood that my own #projectorsuccess with you would look very different than with other projector configurations.
You are not here to have your Minds be influenced in the same way that others are (literally "Purpose fulfilled through Minds" here lol) - I understand what I have to offer you so much better now.
And I wonder at what the possibilities are even beyond that :) Remains to be seen.
Like I said, this has been long long long on my Mind. I remember my first tickle of it in maybe year 2 of my experiment ... for context, have just started my year 10.
I think the final tip into the "yes, I have energy for this" came a couple of months back via a Ra passage (I can link it as a comment); the big take-away was, Mental Projectors have a need for motored Projectors in their corner, and guess what, I have two 🥳 :D
That simple detail from the Ra passage, on top of the other parts of my own Design's awareness really seems to have been the final puzzle piece that was missing in order for me to be able to envision this.
I also know what I'm not built for - specifically long soundboarding sessions. Am also not here to teach or guide the nuances of that.
Though I do have something I would call a "detail drop" session that's coming into view. More experimenting required - discounted guinea pig spots available 😄.
I have emotional Authority (my other defined Motor is the Root), the only thing maybe in common there is how long it can take for me to come to a decision too - so you'll find I'm a big supporter and champion of "slow deciding".
Other notable 'Andrea's chart things' I think in this moment to share -
Gate 31 - Administration - my only penta definition
Gate 27.1 exalted as my P Sun
Separatist trajectory
19/49 - the "everyone in my tribe must have the resources they require" channel - this is where the support hails from.
Defined Ajna, but Open Head (I think there's some sort of magic there but couldn't tell you what exactly tbh - I'm told there's a 'tickling' effect - grin)
Open G - big plus imho, I have no preconceived notions or opinions as to direction (I do have opinions lol via 17/62, but nothing for anyone to take on necessarily)
Oh and Possibility View - love to brainstorm
If you're curious to see my chart I can add here or send it to you (🙃 this is me offering to do the work of opening a DM for us if that's correct for you).
Anyway, that's maybe enough post for now, I too get to not "over do" before I'm really invited to. Let's see if there's any interest? 🤓
Many of your questions may turn into that invitation.
As can your hands or voices raised for more details - as yet to be pulled from my Right Mind :)
Until then, nothing more for me to do.
Just a Canva and a vision of possibilities ... until.
Might such a support experiment for your experiment be for you? :)
Comments welcome and my inbox is open. <3
PS. Here's the Ra passage I was remembering -
Mental Projectors require other Projectors