Mental Projectors require other Projectors
Koen shared this today - would be interested to hear from our MPs here about a project I’ve been pondering. for a couple years now - can add details in a comment.
Mental Projectors – the VERY VERY VERY Head of the Pack
“The Mental Projector is supposed to be at the very very very head of the pack.
You know, it looks like the tip of a rocket. You know, you see that with the Defined Head and the Defined Ajna [not all MPs had a defined head]. This big white thing behind it; you know, this sits at the front of the pack, and races along. That’s what it’s designed for.
Because this is the only variation of any configuration that is here to specialize in Outer Authority. OUTER Authority. They are the embodiment of Outer Authority.
In other words, they’re here to tell everyone what to do.
And we all know, if you know them, that they try. Whether they know anything or not.
But it’s something very important to recognize about the Mental Projector is that the Mental Projector is like the pilot at the front of the pack, you know, or the lead scout. Whatever the case may be. That’s what they’re there for.
Very different than the other Projectors. After all, the other Projectors have Inner Authority.
Now what you’ve seen in the Reflector is that the Reflector has no Inner Authority, and no unique life force [defined channels].
But the difficulty for the Mental Projector is that it has a fixed life force. It does. It has a fixed nature that it’s here to trust.
There’s nothing more difficult than getting a Mental Projector, whose Mind is designed to be an Outer Authority, NOT to accept that authority for themselves.
Until the other Projectors wake up, they won’t. You know? I mean, it’s something to understand about the Mental Projector.
The Mental Projector cannot play the Reflector’s game. The Mental Projector only has their life force to depend on.
Their Definition. It is who they are. It’s what they’re here to be recognized for. It is incredibly difficult for them. I mean incredibly difficult for them to give up the power of Mind as an Inner Authority.
Now remember something about the way in which Projectors learn. They learn through the mirror. They learn through the mirror.
And the funniest thing about the Mental Projector is that though it’s the pilot, in that sense…
(And you can see that all of us are not necessarily going in the right direction… because our pilots don’t know where the hell they’re going, and fortunately, there are still a few Manifestors holding onto the lead, you know, saying, “I know where we’re going! You know, I’m going there!”)
MENTAL PROJECTORS NEED AWAKENED PROJECTORS TO HELP THEM WAKE UP - [emphasis Koen’s - there’s disagreement as to the validity of this assertion - from some MPs themselves, I have no feeling one way or the other, but what does seem to be true is, just as Projectors can benefit from having a sacral onboard for certain projects to move forward, so can no-motor Projectors be similarly supported by having motor defined Projectors in their corner - A]
But whatever the case may be, what you have to see is that Mental Projectors will only wake up in relationship to an awakened Projector.
In other words, a Projector that has Inner Authority, is the only positive force for a Projector that has no Inner Authority.
I will go through this when we get to the relationship level. But you know, it’s one of the things to understand about the way in which genetics takes us away from our most valuable allies.
[I wonder what Ra would say about this these days - I think in general, we’re probably finding each other better than when he said this … but maybe I live in a bubble. I read this as him saying that Mental Ps ought only ever have an ‘Awakened Projector’ partner in their personal life 🤔]
In other words, that it [genetic imperative] makes us attractive to not simply what is different, but it makes other Types attractive to us.
You know, so you have Non-Energy Types with Energy Types [in romantic relationship].
You have Projectors who are with Generators.
You know, the [Mental?] Projector-Generator relationship is for business only, in that sense. I mean, it is about the relationship that can change and rebuild our world.
But it’s not about intimacy. And it’s not about the capacity to be a value deeply to the other. [wish his Personal view of ‘value’ had been expanded upon here - he had a defined ego PLUS Personal View, and therefore- defined and natural limitations in this area]
Projector with Projector, like any Type with any [same] Type, there is easily a recognition of comradery, of you know, of being similar. And in this particular case [of Mental Projectors], to see how important it is…”
~Ra Uru Hu