Here in this family, John has the only Left pointing Mind variable (the top black variable arrow - his points left), the other 4 of us have Right Minds.
That’s been an important distinction to have awareness of. 👍🏽
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“One of the things about mastering any subject as somebody who is Left,
I guarantee you being Left Personalities, that when you listen to this again, if you listen to this again, your focus will be someplace else.
There is always something else that you can focus on, that you can go deep into, depending again on the nature of your particular configuration. This is what it’s about.
Don’t be concerned in this process about getting everything.
Strategic Personalities are always trying to get everything. I guess it’s the influence of the fact that in terms of the way in which the evolutionary process is moving, we’re moving towards the Right.
It’s sort of a way in which the Left is trying to pretend, in a sense, that it’s Right. We’re not about taking everything in.
It is possible for us as Strategic Personalities, and I say “us” because I’m like you. That is, I have a Strategic Personality. It is possible for us to cover a great deal of territory, one focus after the other.
But never assume in any kind of situation, whether it is a formal learning situation or it’s a social interaction, that one is actually taking in all the information or all of the nuances. One is not.
Again, when one is Strategic, the way in which one is focused denies [necessarily tunes out] all kinds of other things.
So, remember something that is so important about taking in knowledge - you’re here to enjoy the flow of data, but you’re here to focus on something specific.
And each point of focus is relative to where you are at any given moment. What you're going to focus on depends on [things like] -
whether you're emotional or not, depends on the kind of definition you have or not, depends on the kind of circuitry you have or not [etc].
So, don't get caught up in thinking that you need to take it all in. This is what the Right does.
But the dilemma for the Right is it doesn't know what to do with it.
Focus is everything for us and focus is what we have inherited.”
~Ra Uru Hu