Earlier today:yesterday’s weather from Alok.
The Sun has already moved on to 56.3, which I happen to have in my Design - short decription in image 2.
Sun in 56.2 - Linkage
“It should be a well known fact that seekers can never be satisfied with their findings, though I'm afraid that blind believers are still the great majority when it comes to identification with homogenized systems of law and morality. Perhaps this is what the not-self thinks of when it believes to be spiritual; an anti-mundane combination of law and morality.
Seeking linkage on the outside already reveals that the connection to oneself, on the inside, has not yet been established, which means that whatever the source of stimulation is that you identify with, it will only take you further and further away from your true being, because ignorantly the wanderer is running away from limitation, especially one's own. This is somewhat perverse, because the place of rest for the spirit that the mind is searching for on the outside has always been available to it on the inside, in the back seat of the car and without interfering with the way the driver is handling the direction.
When the 2nd line is a linkage to the spirit that one simply embodies, then there is no searching and seeking, but there is only finding the possibility of curiosity in oneself or not, depending on what the stimulation has to do with your own sense of individual purpose, which is something you are, not something your mind believes in.
These are times in which the Godhead is controlling the program through the face of Ma'at, which is all about keeping the best appearances that you can, as if you were going to meet God and he had to decide whether or not to accept you into his kingdom. Which means that nobody is comfortable during this time to be more transparent and genuine than strictly nececessary, which means that most of what you can find outside during this time is homogenized distractions hiding behind collective masks of homogenized mental certainties.
Love Yourself, follow your strategy and authority and don't let it distract you, less even carry you away.”