Projectors are the diagnosticians (Emo P’s highlighted)
“See, emotional people go through quite a process. When you're an emotional Projector, and you have a gift of recognizing - you have to understand something - your recognition isn't what you recognize in the moment.
What you recognize in the moment, is only an aspect what truth is for you. It's only an aspect of it. It's only an aspect of 'clarity' for you.
Before the emotional Projector jumps to any conclusions about what they think they see - they have to go through their Wave - take their time. Time is such a blessing.
You see, look, you'll begin to see that there is no such thing as wasted time, you know, this is open root madness. There's no such thing.
There's no such thing as, 'I better make the decision now, because if I don't make the decision now, it's all lost.'
There's no such thing.
You're not missing anything! Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing - because you're not complete.
I mean, your process isn't complete. You have to go through your (emotional) wave. You have to wait things out. You've got to sleep on things - to find [arrive at] that clarity.
So, Projectors have a real process, and if you're an emotional Projector, don't be concerned about all of that.
You watch the other, you know, check them out.
Check them out, and check them out through your lens. You know, your lens - it looks at their chart on a Monday and meets them, and thinks, 'Aha, this is what this means. This is THIS kind of emotional person [for example].' And then, you know, you meet him on another day and, 'Ahh, it's different. It's like THIS.'
And slowly, you begin to understand.
If you had jumped to conclusions, you never would have really had the opportunity to see that other aspect.
And remember, that for us, the value of a Projector is that they're really here to recognize.
If I want to go to a diagnostician - for anything - I want a Projector, you know?
I mean, how risky it is to assume that anybody other than a Projector recognizes anything. That's a great risk.
I don't want to insult Generator doctors, but you know, I do know that they know all about their own health, you know, that's clear, you know?
What they really see in me? Oohh, I don't know about that. You know, it's just a not-self game.
Projectors - Projectors - I have known many, many doctors, homeopaths, who are Projectors; they have real gifts - and they're not-self. The gifts are there because Projectors have a gift. They have a gift of recognizing.
They were trained for seven or eight years to do whatever, you know, and they apply with that - they recognize things.
They recognize symptoms, and this and that.
Now, by the way, it doesn't mean that they're right. It means that they have the gift of recognizing - it depends on their training.
It’s my concern about Projectors and Human Design. It's their training that matters.
To be properly educated in this knowledge - because Projectors are the only type that are here to be truly educated in Human Design.
When they master Human Design, we really have forces in the world that truly recognize.
And remember, what they're here to recognize is the potential in the other. It's not selfish. Their gift is to recognize, potentially, the other.
When a Projector recognizes the potential of a Generator - it's not like they're doing it for themselves. That's their thing.
They get to see - 'Hey, look, you would really be good at this. What do you think, huh? - Good!'
And if the Projector is lucky - that Generator will then say, 'Hey, look, why don't you hang around a little bit more, you know, this is good advice - blah, blah, blah - let me invite you. It's a basic relationship.
One looks at the other - one sees the other. So, we need Projectors to be well educated, and you need your minds to get lost in this.
Now, one thing I know about Design - that if you ever wanted to get lost in knowledge - here's a place where you can get really lost [in a good way 🙃]
There is So Much Stuff. You can go on forever. It's perfect for a Projector.
Even with an undefined root, in this lifetime, they will not get it all. There's just too much, but they will be able to study enough that they are going to be able to be masters of the world that they live in.
They're here to guide, and they're here to understand the other. Nobody else has that responsibility.
So, my concern is, that they're well educated, and my concern is, that they don't run away from their experiment because they think that they have to wake up.
No, no, no - the waking up will happen all by itself.
Their commitment is [best spent] to study and to know the other.
Every - every moment that they study the other - understand what I'm actually saying to you - that the Projector - when the Projector is studying the other - only the Projector truly verifies Human Design for the world.
The Generator only verifies Human Design for themselves.
The Projector sees it in the other. It's different. The other side of the coin. They are absolutely essential.
They see it working in the other, and they know it's true.”
(Ra Uru Hu) via Emiro