Right Mind dilemmas in a Left Mind world
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“If you're right minded you don't have to be concerned about your survival, if you’re following your strategy and authority.’
“When you think about the nature of mind, and when you think about the nature of mind, understand that the left is a mind that is attuned to survival and it means that left minded [even when] not self, that the left minded not self [being] is [still] well equipped to survive.
Because this is the inherited human process and it is fundamentally strategic and everything is an agenda, everything, everything, is focusing in order to be able to survive and be able to go beyond survival.
And on the other side [Right Mind], there's no such thing. It’s not about that.
There's an opposite. It’s not like they’re anti-survival. All, all, all life wants to survive and to exist, but their focus is not that.
It is as if it's taken for granted that in fact there will be a support system for them.
Within the context of the program it doesn't matter because they, like everybody else, get homogenized to the notself and the fact that, they are deeply homogenized and insecure because of it, because they have to live out a mentally left life and it's that [immitation] left mind that's making the decisions, that’s running their life.
It's not like they know any more than the vast majority of humanity knows, [or that] that something is wrong…
But they are here, you're here and obviously half of you anyway are going to be right minded. And it's something to see how important it is for us to begin to see this difference.
Now think about the right mind and its concern about survival.
Think about it.
There's no reason, you know?
It's like my saying “that the mind doesn’t need a purpose.”
If you're right minded you don't have to be concerned about your survival, if you’re following your strategy and authority. You don't.
I mean, your mind isn’t your body. It's your body that has to survive. It's your vehicle that has to survive. You know, and every single biological vehicle has its way. It will survive, if it has a chance to operate correctly.
The right mind can be liberated by that trust, cause it’s trust, you have to trust it. You know you have to trust it deeply.
I'm in my 21st year of operating as myself and the end of my third seven year cycle. It's not even a question anymore. You know, the vehicle it lives. It lives, I watch. I mean this is the movie.
And you see for the right minded [it] being these terrible fears, fears. You know, the fears that you don't really know something. Because of course you don't have the gift focusing.
And when you don't have the mental gift of focusing, how the hell are you ever going to have a sense that “You got it!”. You can't, you can't trust that. It's not a blind trust.
You already know if you're right minded that there seems to be quite a resource in you, you know. It's all there. I mean, it comes out when it has to come out, it does.
But of course as long as you're caught in your mind having to have a purpose and that your mind has to be in charge of what's going on in your life, and your mind has to do this and that, you’re lost. You just are.
And you don't have to be concerned, because the vehicle will look after you.
It will put you in those places where your resource will be tapped into, where there will be the correct reward for you.
That you can begin to appreciate the kind of mind that you have, rather than constantly feeling uncomfortable living with the mind that's not yours.
That works in a way that is truly alien to you and disturbing to you.
We have two kinds of mind and obviously there is a different approach between the experience of the left and the right and how to deal with the left and right but the key is the transference.
I think it's the only trick, you know.
That here and here alone is a place where mind can learn to heal itself, because that's what it's about, and I trust in the power of mechanical truth.
You cannot resist it, you can never deny it, even try to walk away from it.
But then again once you do, it doesn't matter anymore anyway. It's so fragile, the possibility of awakeness. It takes so much attention. It is the most important thing - to learn how to see. Because it's training your mind to see truth!
I mean to really see it, on its own, in its own way, with its own capacity after all.
You see it! The more you see it, the easier it is to stand back and not be tempted to act.
See, I think one of the most difficult things for people to get about the mind is that you don't shut it off and you don't get it to act the way you wanted to act.
You don't, you don't do any of that. You let it be. It's the point. You let it be, so you can watch it and what you don't do is that you don't allow it to dictate action.
That's all. But you let it be. Otherwise there's no entertainment. It's delicious.
Let it be and watch what it does in relationship to its experience of life. It's something and it's just a technique. In and of itself that's not where the story is, it really isn't, I mean it's interesting, I know. But it's all about moving your mind away from action and moving it into a place of witnessing, just witnessing.
You can't stop transference from happening. You can't stop it from entering into your mind, you can't.
[But] You don't have to act on it. It only becomes dangerous if your mind is always saying “oh!” you know? Every time it's conditioned. Cause it is always there. It never goes away.
You never get rid of your open centers and your open gates and your this and that and blah blah blah.
But remember that your openness is the potential of wisdom and it's only the potential of wisdom, if you can watch it.
And as you move away from mental decision-making, you actually start becoming spiritual. Which is something to think about because it's really true.
See when I say that the mind cannot make decisions, cannot be your inner authority, I'm actually saying your mind has to surrender to something else being the authority and surrender is the foundation of spirituality, is the foundation of the spirit itself. The spirit of being.”
~Ra Uru Hu