The Line Companion - Sun & Earth
It's the middle of the night.
It's been a decent amount of time since I felt moved to write a post in the middle of the night (not the same as curating from elsewhere - different kinds of content).
But this is one of those moments when it feels like if I don't get the thing down on paper as it's coming clear, it'll vanish. Of course, with a Right Mind, that happens all the time and my Open Head discernment has had to be conditioned to be vigilant.
Moments of 'ah hah' around my own Sun/Earth gates are definitely FOR this open head š
So here's what happened -
After reading and posting this (and reading it again):
I was lead to search for and read my sun/earths again, but this time all at once via the Line Companion (am linking what I've copied the line description below from in the comments, so you can do the same if that interests you).
The image is the abbreviated versions of the same Gate/Line - screenshot is from GeneticMatrix and is essentially as it appears in the [Un]Definitive Book of HD (am linking this in the comments too).
The Line Companion has much more context.
Anyway - check out my Design (Unconscious) Earth in particular. This is NOT my Outer Authority, which is tied to Personality (Conscious) Sun/Earth. Not something I'm here to deliver understanding of per se to the other - it's for me.
Talk about #3rdlinelife (which for me is this Body/Form Wisdom/Unconscious side) having to be experiential ... it feels like there's a direct tie to this Gate of mine and the dilemma of "Polar Opposites in my DM" I expanded on here:
If we think of Gates as filtering agents ... and know that 3rd line must find its way via trial and error ... and omg what an annoying PIA that is ... then that post is pretty on point. My 3rd line Gates get filtered and only gain wisdom by "going through the trial and error" - blargh.
Having that juxtaposition of "followers" in my inbox simultaneously - was essentially a perfect storm for driving the understanding of that gate (my Design Earth 31.3) home. The second paragraph in particular.
Gate 31.3 - Selectivity
"The nature of a third line is that, in a sense, it is combining the qualities of the first and second line, the qualities of introspection and projection. It puts them together into this potential for adaptation. When you get to this third line, you get to the key to successful political leadership which lies here.
It is called Selectivity, which is about recognizing first of all, who should be a follower? This is so important in terms of influence. If you influence somebody that cannot implement your pattern, there is very little impact. If you influence somebody that can implement your pattern, it will have a lot of impact. This is the whole nature of selectivity.
It is not about how many people support you. It is about what is the quality of that support? Who are they?
Sun exalted. The ability to carefully assess and choose the proper influence and to tailor one's behavior accordingly. Think about that because there is a kind of twist in that. The politician has to be influenced by the follower, so we have all of these followers. They have lobbies and causes and they all have their way that they try to influence the person who actually acts as the leader.
The leader has to recognize that every follower that they have has their own agenda. They have to carefully select what influences they want to accept from their followers in order to maintain their role as a leader of those followers.
So, they have to be very careful and clear about with what those followers want to influence them, so that they can be their guide, in that sense.
On the other side, we have Jupiter in detriment. Qualitative selectivity with the risk of a runaway enthusiasm that may lead to humiliation. "You want to follow me? Oh, that is wonderful. Let me give you all of this stuff to transfer."
If that person can't, the energy is wasted and confusion comes out of that. A lack of influence is generated out of that.
In the white book: The capacity to lead enhanced through association with the proper influences. But always remember that we are dealing with a third line: adaptation is based on trial and error. You will have to deal with bad influences, with the wrong kind of people, the wrong kind of followers, before you get to the opportunity to recognize how that really works.
At the other side of the line, we have: The drive to lead that will accept any follower and the risks. This is Jupiter at its worst, in that sense: the expansiveness of Jupiter that says, "Yes, you can come. If you want to follow me, that is fine. I'll give you this to do." Thus, you end up with all kinds of difficulties in that.
The key for anybody who is carrying third lines is always this recognition that you are going to go through these processes and you are going to make these mistakes that you will have to learn from.
What you have to learn is that the third line, because it is not yet transpersonal, has this genetic recognition that it can lead, but it has to make mistakes in leadership before it can recognize that it cannot do it alone and that it needs the proper forces with it because it is not so much leading with its influence as it is taking the influence of its followers and channeling it.
That is what a leader does. Today, though it is politically correct to condemn it, we have a political environment in which politicians very carefully watch the polls. Everybody is screaming and yelling about how we have lost the days where our politicians directed us instead of the politicians trying to figure out where we want to go and taking us there.
This is [actually] a real improvement. This is the essence of how things should work in this context of influence, that one has to take into account the needs and the direction of the totality, the needs of the collective, and act as a focus to represent them. No leader actually has their own influence in that sense. They are always taking the influence of the followers and giving it a focal point. That is the nature of this line. The third line learns from its mistakes."