In a recent DM, I found myself saying -
“You can’t hate yourself and decondition.”
That includes the Notself btw - also part of each of us.
I think it’s really true.
Earlier today, I held the first Zoom for “Seeing the Notself” … it went nothing like I imagined it might and was also quite awesome.
Got to clear up one foundation piece in particular - the ‘detriment’ description of the lines (when there’s a little up or down arrow next to a gate, that’s what it indicates; exaltation or detriment)…
There was a confusion where someone understood that to be the “not self” of a particular line.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
And we solidified a new understanding by using my P Venus 16.5 in detriment … that Grinch gate I reference so often, the one that doesn’t particularly value celebration.
That’s not Notself lol … that’s just me being me.
To my mind, a Notself version of that would be to succumb to pressure that it’s abnormal and maybe even antisocial feeling to others to not be brimming over with enthusiasm at “appropriate moments”
See the difference?
And aside from that - not all the exaltations are necessarily good sounding and not all detriments are particularly bad sounding - so the pattern of “detriments are Notself/bad” that she picked up from some thread somewhere 🤷🏻♀️
Clearly not on point.
Now let’s get on with the love piece.
Self love I mean.
“We are conditioned to learn Love from the other, from the Mother and the Father, from the Lover and the child. In this way we are conditioned to seek Love from others in order to 'feel' Loved.
The 'not-self' does not love itself. In not having it within oneself, it becomes a commodity. Something of value worth seeking, suffering and longing for. A commodity which defines most beings lives.
The measuring of Love. The externalization of Love: 'He Loves me. I Love him', 'I don't love him enough', 'He doesn't Love me enough', 'I wish he Loved me more and on and on.
None of the above is about Love. It is more about fear in aloneness. In an aloneness void of self Love, driven by inadequacy and insecurity.
Take the opportunity to experiment with your Type and its Strategy and discover your true self, a person worth getting to know - you might even fall in Love.”