Naturally, if you’ve been here awhile and listened to any of the Notself Saturday recordings
Or been through the beginner course (which has a core section and theme of being able to see the Notself),
Or signed up for the program that morphed from that called “Seeing the Notself” (beginning to see a pattern?) …
You’re already leaps and bounds down the path to having a handle on this nature of the Notself themes in your own chart, via your own real life examples.
And - if I’ve worked my magic over you (sometimes this takes talking to me in person), you’ll be actively watching your movie, mostly amused/entertained, popcorn in hand.
And possibly do not require Ra’s shocking, and naturally heretical words that hailed from his 51.5 [Outer Authority] mouth that I’m sharing here.
Or maybe you do. :)
I’ve read this passage many times. And just when you think you’ve gleaned everything there is to glean … there’s another nugget.
This time I had a lightbulb around my own HD Motivation (which btw is also keyworded in some places as … drumroll … Awareness).
And some of the words he uses here and there in connection to my first color Motivation - Fear.
It’s first for a reason.
Because if and until we get people beyond Fear, the Mind keeps its grip. Period (in my experience).
What he’s saying here about the ‘highest’ goal being awareness …
Is that being able to see the conditioning influences in your life and the world - is to change the world.
Not by ‘doing’ anything, but by not being unconsciously subject to the whims of the world outside of yourself.
This ‘highest goal’ is accomplished by living as yourself.
Living with your eyes wide open to and finding your way towards loving how you’re wired.
Which I find is maybe well described as a “Coddiwomple adventure”
But what he says in his first sentence carries two meanings for me.
“The highest goal is awareness”
Maybe because I’m a Projector with this particular Motivation (plus other definition and openness details in my Design).
It’s the ‘goal’ for me and it’s ALSO the ‘goal’ for me for the people who can hear me.
And it speaks to the board game analogy I came up with through practicing through what maybe is now over a hundred ‘Notself Sessions’.
A name I coined when I first started offering them.
It’s one of these “cut through” the Maia tools in my toolbox now.
Have you ever heard me describe this board game analogy before?
It really does seem to slice right on through a lot of nonsense and gives the Mind this goal and reason to surrender to your experiment.
Here’s the Ra passage that sparked my commentary above; bracketed bits and formatting are my addition -
"The highest goal is awareness.
Awareness means the shedding of conditioning.
You cannot be [are blocked from being] aware as long as you are a conditioned being [which cannot witness conditioning].
You cannot be aware if [whenever] your mind is [being] not-self.
And awareness [possibility] begins with very, very specific kinds of perceptions;
Perceptions that cut through the Maia,
Perceptions that cut through the projection expectation [and] identification fields.
It’s what happens to you when you first learn mechanics and you look at a Bodygraph and you seem to have a sense of it.
You’re cutting through one of the layers of the Maia.
And in cutting through that you begin to open up your eyes to what is there and what you are [and are not] and what the potential of it can be.
As you enter into the [Ra original Human Design] knowledge base, slowly the possibility is there for you to become aware, not simply of yourself, but -
- aware of the other,
- aware of your circumstances,
- aware of the conditions,
- aware of the environment that you are in.
And you cannot be aware if your mind is preoccupied with the nonsense, absurdities, banalities and sufferings of the not-self life.
You can’t.
There is no awareness when the not-self mind is at work. It’s not possible.
There are only agendas, only agendas rooted in the openness.
Rooted in whatever the trip is that’s built into the way in which a being is conditioned.
To live your Design is to save yourself from the horror of the not-self.
And the thing that is so horrifying about the not-self is that it is so homogenized that you don’t really have an understanding about how bad it is.
And how far away you are from the potential of what you can be."
Via Philip Redd > Oleksander Vasin