AARQ - I’m a splenic P with an undefined ego and I’ve been fighting at work. Help??
This is the post that met me first thing this morning.
There was a note about Gate 36 (crisis) still being in the air - and okay, awareness about that is valid.
But also … knowing it’s not you, what about Strategy and Authority? 🤔
[fwiw, she’s also a verbal gunslinger, as is every other Projector and Generator with a defined throat not connecting to a motor, and is also ‘feeling the wrath’ thanks in part by waiting to speak it sounds like - making suggestions of some kind 🤔]
She was also getting .02 from people (all from others with undefined emotional centers too near as I can tell), suggesting ways to ‘ride the wave’ with the people with defined solar plexus … like ways to cope with the chaos that an unaware defined emo design is capable of spewing and slathering all over their entire environment.
Remember. Defined emotional body here 🙋🏻♀️ … I have that tshirt, been there done that - plenty.
I had a different suggestion.
Q: I have been focusing on my open centers - Solar Plexus & Ego. I realized that I am having more fight with people. ANY ADVICE?
A: Walk away. Give them the time and space to come to a different point in their wave.
Timing around knowing when to confront is also your wisdom to gain.
“Can we put a pin in this until tomorrow/later?”
The whole world will look different to them in due time. And you will have saved yourself the headache of riding a ride that’s not yours.
What other centers are undefined for you?
How do you mean you’ve been focusing on these two?
It could be interesting to consider the other undefined centers among you that conspire with the ones you’re talking about.
Check out who’s got root and/or head centers that are white.
The undefined root especially can fuel the speed at which everyone is being pressured to engage.
Slowwww Downnnnn
It sounds like you maybe already know the Notself questions for white centers?
I wrote a companion set of ways to think about them last year sometime.
Maybe those could add some nuance 🤔
PS. Yes, I’m gonna go find you that doc I wrote - you may have seen it before. Can drop a link to it in the comments 🙌🏽