“The 39th Gate, as a Gate of provocation is an incredibly powerful force.
It is a force that tries to stabilize the wave of the Solar Plexus system in the 55th Gate.
It tries to lock it in.
It tries to do what the 22 does with its infatuation, its attentiveness.
It tries to get the attention of the 55 so that it can lock it into that attention and bond with it.
The thing about this particular stream is that it is the only stream where the concept or the essence of spirit lies.
That is, the 55th Gate is the Gate of Spirit, the cup half empty, the cup half full.
It is something to see what the nature is of the 39: It’s there to provoke that spirit, it’s there to lock it in and provoke it.
In the sense of provoking it, to bring it out.
The 39 is about needing sexual attention, it needs the attention.
So here you have this Design of teasing. But the teasing is not to bring out the spirit in the other in the sense of what their inner spirit is.
No, it’s about what their spirit is going to be relative to the other.
In other words, what does this power to try to get your attention sexually bring out.
I used to give the description of you’re having an Individual relationship with somebody and you’ve had a couple of these meetings in restaurants where you’ve talked, chatted and you’ve ended the evening on a note of seeing each other again, and then you both go through that romantic stuff on your own.
Maybe it’s the third time and you drop by that person’s flat, and the person in the flat is coming out of the bathroom and they just have a towel around them, whatever the case may be. It doesn’t matter what sex it is, male or female.
That’s the classic 39 moment, because in that moment they’re going to be able to judge your character.
For example, if that is simply taken as a signal to physically go over to them, you may end up with a tremendous surprise and a lot of embarrassment when they tell you to just back off.
In other words, it’s a way of seeking the feel in the other, the spirit, the quality of the being that’s there, and what kind of relationship is really possible.
The other thing is the less the 55 reacts, but the more that it has its attention, the more exciting the whole game becomes.
Again, everything about Individuality is about this building it up and building it up and building it up until it gets to be something that one simply cannot handle anymore, and you have to consummate it.”