“I love the tribe. It's so extraordinary compared to anything else in the bodygraph because it demands such a deep connection with the other, this support.
I watch it mostly from the outside.
As an individual, I‘m designed to empower people. And yet I have these hanging gates that point at the tribe.
And I've learned to see that tribal support is a quality of love that is very profound. That the support that one can receive from the other when it's correct is so enriching in the life.
It‘s not just the fact that they give. It is the fact that the giving is so natural and can be so beautiful.
Then we begin to see the bounty that is there, the potential that is there in our relationships with the other. It is not that we are here to take and give from everyone, it isn't.
And we are not here to take and give from those that our mind thinks we should.
This is the deepest problem; this mind trip that everybody has about who they think belongs in their life, and who they think they should be supportive of, and who they think they need in their life.
Most of the time it‘s just nonsense, it's just mental trips. It has nothing to do with who they really are and who really belongs in their life.
I am absolutely astonished at who is in my life, because it‘s clear to me that my mind never would have selected them. And how much I would have missed, truly how much I would have missed because of the conditioned prejudices of my mind.
In trusting my Spleen, regardless of how often I've been surprised at what it does, I've never been disappointed. Truly, I have never been disappointed. I've been surprised, but I've never been disappointed. It‘s quite remarkable.”