The deepest vanity of human beings.
"The thing to recognize is that the deepest vanity in a human being is to assume that we’re in charge of the timing.
This is a huge, huge vanity.
If I had known and I could choose, I certainly wouldn’t have been dumb for 38 years. It would have been nice to avoid all of that.
See, everything about a human being leads to pain and discomfort in the vehicle as long as you do not honor it.
We incarnate. ‘Carne’ is meat. We come into the meat. It’s so important to understand that. And the meat is the life.
If you don’t understand how the vehicle works, if you don’t honor the way the vehicle works, you don’t get to see how beautiful your life is.
You don’t get to see that your life is for you. You don’t get to see that everybody in your life is for you. You don’t get to see your mythology.
You don’t ultimately get to see your purpose. We all have a purpose, but that purpose can only be realized when you’re a good passenger in the vehicle.
And the moment that you really surrender to that and you’re living your Type, you’re as awake as Buddha.
This is the great cosmic yoga. That’s what Type is. This is the ultimate exercise to liberate yourself.
And all logical systems demand that exercise. You cannot avoid it. Each experiment brings you closer to yourself. It’s an ongoing process."