"Your mind operates [in a Notself way] through your openness and that isn't going to stop when you're correct.
It [being correct] just means it's not making your decisions anymore.
And the fact that your vehicle - your body - is making the decisions, means that for the first time in your life you're actually grounded.
You actually have a stable place and direction.
This is the magic.
This is all about form mechanics.
It's all about understanding that these [bodies of ours] are just machines. They're marvelous in what they can do but, still, it's a rented vehicle...
And it's the vehicle that I'm riding in. It's not the vehicle riding on the back of my Personality.
My Personality is the little passenger in the back seat going 'wow, this is life'.
And I'm not in charge of it, I have no idea what's good for my body.
My body knows what's good for my life.
We walk around in the arrogance of ignoring what we are, which is a binary consciousness.
We're a duality, that's something to grasp.
Your Design and Personality are not friends."
via Liz Newton