Don’t expect me to be able to translate/decipher this - not yet anyway 🙃
“When you're dealing with Pluto and Neptune you're dealing with cycles that are beyond a human life. And so, for me, Pluto and Neptune are incarnative principles. In other words, they are processes that are multi-generational. Particularly in the case of Pluto. You can see that the truth in terms of the 26th gate will only be truly fought out as a battle by the generation born with it. And that it will only be the reflection of history long after those battles have been fought. It will be only that reflection of history that will look towards what the essential truth was. It's a long road in that sense. It is Plutonic. It is trans-generational. It is incarnative.
Same thing is true for Neptune. It's over 160 years that cycle. It's one of the things for you to understand about the other planets. If you go to the Channel of Initiation, the 51-25, and you look at the lines of those two gates, wherever you see Pluto as an aspect, either exalted or detriment, recognize that that's not true. It has no function whatsoever. It's not there.
Pluto hasn't been in Aries for hundreds of years. There is no-one alive that carries the imprint of Pluto in either the 51st or the 25th gate. The last time it existed is when the 3rd republic of Brazil was created, 180 years ago. It's very interesting. l have a line in the 25 that is the heaviest of all lines. It's about crime, suicide, violence. It's a Pluto aspect. And it doesn't exist. There's only the exalted. There is no detriment.
The same thing is true for many Neptunian lines. Imagine somebody who was born today with Neptune in the 19th gate. That Vibration of Neptune in the 19th gate, the validity of any Neptunian aspect of the 19th gate, that will survive as long as there is life on earth that has that imprint. And the moment that the last person dies, the imprint is gone. There are Neptunian aspects right now in the wheel that have absolutely no function and don't exist because there's no living imprint in the world.
So these are trans-generational incarnative forces. It's not like you're ever really going to master the truth in your lifetime. It's not like the truth that's in your chart is something that you actually are going to come to full grips with in your lifetime. It's a process. And the same thing with Neptune. l have no illusions about figuring Neptune out. What l love most about Neptune is that for me it is very simple - Neptune veils. l like this word. The seven veils.
l was born with a totally unconscious mind. So l never had access to my intelligence. l never had access to anything that's going on in this mind of mine. l also have the 48th gate twice, the gate of depth. Guess who's there? Neptune. l don't know how deep l am. l have no idea. And Neptune loves to bring you to good whisky and sweet drugs! Anything to try to get through that damn veil. Anything to try to find out what's there. l could never find out. Neptune won't let you in.
And the moment that you have a problem with that, you have a problem. It's just what it is. The mystery of Neptune is not here to be solved. It's here to be experienced with wonder. Neptune is the only truly magical force you meet all the time. And when you see Neptune in your chart, and you see what it's veiling, that's where your mysteries are. That's where your magic is. Don't go looking for it; we're not Hobbits.
Be yourself. And the mysteries are revealed. And they'll be revealed specifically in those places. And you never get to know what the hell it is. It doesn't matter. So many people where truth is veiled, where the mystery is veiled, how profoundly confused and depressed they are about their lives. How easy it is for them to get lost in whatever. Not just drugs, alcohol, sex, violence and madness - anything. l like Neptune. By the way, if you have Neptune conjunct a planet, in other words if your Neptune is standing beside something in a gate, it's also veiling that other object.”
Here’s the original thread (in case you wanna see comments)