Possibly a perfect guidance for Mental Projectors
I have a particular conflict of (my own) Outer Authority that, over the years, has had to be modulated/reimagined for Mental Projectors.
Still figuring out whether there’s a broader offer to be made or not (from my end). I’ve had this percolating for years. Could be it’s just for eternal percolation 😄
There are a unique handful of MPs who recognize me as is (sans a dedicated to MPs offer) and find their way in anyway 🥰. I definitely appreciate you 😘
Anyway - here’s some perfect MP guidance (in the screenshot) that I think anyone could arrive with (once the conversation is already opened and they’re actually ready to receive it) and truly serve them.
It’s the literal gateway to their personal Authority.
Maybe that “bucket” person ends up being you - maybe not. Doesn’t matter. There’s nothing personal in it either way.
They’re not hear to have their Mind changed - Ajna tickled maybe 🙃😀; that’s what one of my MP friends calls whatever it is I bring for her, but Mind changed, no.