Projectors are always being recognized
"Projectors are always being recognized. But a fucked up, messed up Projector is always recognized as a potential slave!
And it's not that the other person has to have that kind of consciousness or awareness. It just feels that way! They get it!
And then you get locked into the bonds because of what your aura does: It gives people the feeling that there is a bond between you.
You need to be aware of what your aura does. Your aura is your business card. You don't have to do anything.
Without having to stand up like a Manifestor and say: 'I'm here!'
Most people are afraid to make any demands. There is this fundamental fear that they will throw you out and say: 'No, thank you.' And some of them might.
[But] You only become a Projector when you start living it.
They invite you. You can say: 'Yes but.'
Nothing has more power in this life than 'Yes but.' Wow! It's huge!
'Yes but. I want this and this and this!' Whatever it is. Whatever you recognize. Whatever is suitable for you, you make your demand!"
Thanks Chaitanya