I see what I see, you see what you see.
“Remember that you could be standing beside somebody who is motivated to have a different view than you, you can both be looking at precisely the same thing and obviously you are going to see it very differently.
And obviously not just simply differently because your view is going to be different as a motivation, but of course the fact is that you may have totally different nodal polarities [the view variable is related to the P nodes, just as Motivation is connected to the P sun/earth] in which the further nuancing of what this perspective is is going to emerge, you see very different things.
Here is a being that sees, can see, in that sense, the want that is there [he’s referring to a chart with View ‘wanting’].
As a matter of fact, it’s helpless not to see it, if you know what I mean—can’t help but see it; and both sides, as always.
But again, it’s about understanding that not only is this a honing of the perspective, and obviously further by the gate itself, but it’s more than that.
This is the perspective that allows the personality to fulfill its purpose, because it’s here that the information is necessary for whatever that personality happens to be.
It isn’t about their life. We’re talking about mind here; we’re not talking about your life.
YOUR life [emphasis added] is ruled by your design, your body; that’s your life, that’s what you give authority to.
That’s the life.
And obviously, that life can be seen in different ways. You’ve already learned that.
You’ve seen your life as not-self. You see your life as yourself.
The same life, but seeing differently. The vehicle IS the life.
So what we’re not talking about is seeing the wanting and doing something about it, no, no, no.
You may see want and do nothing about it because it’s not what your vehicle does [is moved to do].
[If you body is unmoved] It’s not about your life.
The deepest lesson I can teach you is that your mind isn’t about your life.
It’s about life. [THE life.]
It’s not about YOUR life.”
[Outer Authority is for the other]