This is timely for me.
I think this encapsulates what I see as what I’m especially available for.
And I think it’s what I’d like this Locals to be (maybe more) focused-ly attuned to for the next 3 years and perhaps beyond… we shall see :)
Have any thoughts on that? So weird for me to “choose” direction but this seems to fit as at least part of my own direction and energy ‘spend’ for this season that we’re in. Together. Separately. ☺️🙌🏼
So let’s see what happens next ❤️
Now here’s Ra -
“Don't fall for all the false prophets. I warn you. Don‘t fall for the way in which the program exalts human beings. I don't care whether they‘re Presidents or gurus.
See the truth.
They are all living not-self purpose. And they're all going to hell in a hand basket. Forget about all that.
Save yourself, and save those that can be saved, and save them with the truth. And the truth is hard work [of the experimenting].
Step-by-step, day by day, first the brain, then the place, then the vision, then the awareness.
[ie. the four transformations]
And ultimately, the grandeur of what it is to be you and you for me and me for you.
We‘re here to be very pure beings.
[maybe don’t let the word ‘pure’ trip you up - I know there’s a decent amount of those in religion recovery here]
This is something that is so profound. We're here to be very pure [unique as we’ve been Designed] beings.
There‘s a great beauty in all of us.
And this beauty is something that can so easily emerge if truly we are correct. This is what it's about.
And that correctness is very profound. It goes very, very deep.
So that we finally get to see that this medium that we have, this body that we have is so fantastic. It's such a wonder, and it's been abused for so long.
The old seven-centered Saturnian is a body that you can throw away.
Well, these bodies are not for throwing away. They are for embracing and exalting and treating correctly.
The great potential that Human Design brings is that it brings a profound recognition of how incredible this form is and how specific we can be in understanding our own potential so that we have the guidelines that we need [get to experiment with - or not] so that we can align ourselves despite the world of conditioning, that we can align ourselves to what is correct [for us, individually].”
Any questions? 🤔
Pinning to the top for now.