A greater hidden love - whatcha think 🧐
“The monopole is rather like the center of our galaxy,in that it creates a center around which all else revolves. The center of our galaxy in turn, revolves around another greater center, hidden from our view.
Within this spinning picture, every object has its own monopole, and together, all the monopoles spin in harmony. In other words, what the magnetic monopole does is holds us all together in increasingly wider fractal patterns that are all knitted together. It is somewhat similar to being a cell within a great body.
The monopole actually creates the illusion that each cell is separate from each other, even though each cell is a tiny fragment of the greater pattern. In this last respect, the G-Centre shows us our individual identity in relation to the whole.
This attractive force that holds everything together in the biverse is the true source of all love. In other words, love is the force that holds the universe together.
In Human Design, we distinguish different forms of love. There is this greater love that moves us through life, connecting us to our destiny or geometry.”