These three flowers - you may have already seen on FB or in Dbay Locals - are part of a possible collection I’m coddiwompling towards - potentially.
[Definition of coddiwomple in image 2 - it’s how my Open G and possibly Right Mind especially be 😄]
Now check out the silk scarf - hand painted by 19yo me at college one winter session (we had a month or so every January the stay on campus or not and could take all manner of ‘extracurricular’ classes.
I add ‘’ to extracurricular because - as evidenced here, yesterday painting these flowers … some 3+ decades later (okay okay it’s nearly 4 😮)… there was nothing extracurricular about it - for me.
Truth is, by college, Art was already so baked in.
But true to the undefined ego’s notsef dilemma and the Projector’s inability to see ourselves… I couldn’t see the value (still can’t really, but I can see that I can’t see and that makes all the difference near as I can tell, at this point).
Here’s one new thing I can see now - my Taste PHS has always been supported - in the mundane ways of being encouraged to not clean my plate if I didn’t like something, for example … and also in particular, through art.
So yesterday after posting these flowers in those couple places, there were some comments about the color pallet - which caused my head to cock a hair … ‘listening’ for what I wasn’t aware of yet, I think.
Ruby went a step further and took a picture of a scarf one of them reminded her of - from high school, which reminded me of this scarf - from college. 👀
Now what we have is back-looking evidence of my ‘taste’ in color.
Which I think is pretty wild 😜
And I also have a clue about #4 … which is cool ‘cause tbh … as of yesterday I was a blank on that front.
🥳 and the world keeps turning 😊🙌🏼