“One of the basic things is that you cannot help anyone unless they are experimenting with their design. And regardless of what level of awareness or personality development they may have how essential it is to understand that their vehicle needs to be quieted—it is how I think of it, this constant tension that is part of the not-self body.
I’m accused of being very reclusive and I am. But I’m also a Manifestor with my kind of aura. Occasionally I’ll go into my local village and I have a cup of coffee or lunch there and the auras are so disturbed. I have three open motors so I get this intense frequency.
It’s so obvious to me that what I’m feeling is the transferred determination and how shattering that is for the vehicle, at least in terms of the aura. How the aura is unhealthy as a result of that. And that you can feel the malaise, I don’t know how else to describe it. I don’t go out very often for that very reason. But anyway, it is quite something.
So, we have to see in dealing with our clients that we are going to have to make sure at a therapeutic level that they are supported in the experiment of operating correctly. This is something that is essential. Without that as a foundation it’s very difficult to be able to be productive with them because so much of the dilemma begins with not operating correctly, the power of the not-self, or the power of the transferred determination. I think that transferred determination is a greater destructive force than the Personality’s not-self.
It’s obvious to me that when somebody experiments with their design, even if their Personality is having dilemmas with the whole process the fact is that you can see a transformation in them anyway, despite the passenger because you’re directly impacting the vehicle. The moment that you can take anybody and align them to at least the proper surface function, you can then begin to take away the constant reinforcement of the homogenization.
Think about the way in which this theme works. The determination: A genetic predisposition to form differentiation. So we are designed to be predisposed to be different, but how? We are conditioned to be predisposed to form homogenization. That’s what the conditioning is doing. That’s much more, at least from my perspective, much more damaging than what happens to the Personality and it’s not-self from the Personality level. The fact of the matter is, the moment that the form is homogenized, the risk is not that you’ve got a screwed up mental life, the risk is that you’ve got a screwed up body. And that you’re not operating the way you should, and your brain is not operating the way it should, and this is something that can be devastating. So much of the healing begins with simply trying to realign people to what is their predisposition.
I’m struck by something. I never liked the idea of the Judeo-Christian myth that we are not born perfect, that this is our great trial. I’ve never seen it that way. I see the perfection. And yet, I must say how odd that when you get down to the Design level and you look at this, you see something rather remarkable. We are predisposed; nothing more, nothing less. It’s fascinating to think about that. And you can see from the history of our civilization, of our specie for that matter, that that predisposition hasn’t been an enormous advantage for awareness and consciousness and well-being. It hasn’t. It’s quite something.
So, this business of being conditioned to form homogenization, this is the great medical super threat. This is the thing that starts everything going wrong. The heart and soul of the lack of well-being on the physical plane is a conditioned predisposition to form homogenization. So when we have a client who comes to us and they are ill, it is absolutely essential for us to remind them that this is just a predisposition. We are predisposed to be perfect and healthy. We are.
It is seven years now, knock wood, since I’ve been ill. The last time I was ill was in 1998 in Sedona, Arizona. It’s an interesting thing about the alignment of your form. That the alignment of your form is something that brings extraordinary benefits, extraordinary well-being. It’s not that I can set myself as an example because I can’t, we’re all unique. But it’s really something to understand that the disease, the great sickness out there is this conditioned predisposition to form homogenization.”