Individual Circuitry in Relationships
John (hubs) is Mr. Individuality - he has 2 Individual channels and a collective one that’s all about storytelling - that’s the extent of his sharing. 11 Gates (of 26 total!) are individual. I’m tribal/logical collective.
Maybe come back and read this after the Ra part below to grok that part above and this next part.
I think we “work” because of all of the electromagnetics (5 including 59/6), me defining his open spleen, him bridging my split and my 1/3 (non-transpersonal; largely loner) profile.
Where Ra speaks below of being together in our own bubbles, that’s super on point for us I think.
Here’s Ra -
“It's very risky to connect yourself to someone who is truly only interested in themselves. This is individuality, after all.
And unless both beings are equally interested in themselves, it doesn't really work. It's a real risk.
After all, it can't be a one-way empowerment. That's called support, and that's tribal…
What you're looking at in individuality is that only when empowerment is mutual, only when it's mutual, only then are you going to have a successful bond.
One of the things about individuality is that if it lasts long enough it might last forever.
An individual finds something that they like, they will not go looking for something else, whether it's a pair of clothes until it falls off their body or something they like to eat or whatever the case may be, they will stay with somebody to the end, even though in empowerment they are truly in their own worlds.
But then again, isn't that the truth?
That is purpose being fulfilled, when you're in your own bubble and you're not alone. There's somebody that you can still see they're moving along with you.
Nothing will destroy an individual more and can for their whole life than to make a commitment to empower another who does not empower them in return.
When you talk about people who have broken hearts you're always talking about individuals who did not receive empowerment for the return of them empowering the other.
And for most individuals in their melancholy, because they are not collective, they do not say it's because of the other, they will blame themselves.
Here you have the root of love. And here you have the most beautiful part of what empowerment is.
This is where individual relationships can only find love. And the answer that the individual comes up with is, it's not about finding a way to blend with your partner and become one, but it's about mutually empowering each other to be even stronger or even better, or even whatever.
In other words, the way to be with somebody else is to empower them as they empower you.
They can be so deeply, deeply melancholic, so unhappy, because these aren't people that are satisfied with sharing and support.
They need that word of love, they need that look in the eye, they need to be seen as something that is unique and special and beautiful and wonderful.”