Emotional decision making and answer giving
[I would suggest that waiting to give your answer could possibly be beneficial to all Projectors (in the recognition department), especially if the decision will result in work for you … even if you do know your decision right away.]
Koen’s Quote of the day (from sometime last year lol)
"Rejection is incredibly powerful and most people are afraid of it. And emotional people are afraid of it the most, they are. If you are an emotional person and somebody invites you, and you’re a Projector after all, and they invite you, you know, there are these bells and sirens and rockets going off. It's like, ‘Wow, I've been invited. I'm going to say yes right now.’ Because, if I don't say yes right now, I may have to wait the rest of my life for an invitation,that kind of thing. And then you really get into trouble.
You have no idea. Emotional people, “No truth in the now, no truth in the now” You’re emotional, you're reading this and you have no idea what the hell's going on and you won't for months. You are going to process it through your emotional system. You know, you're on a certain place in your wave right now. Which means you're taking it in with a certain filter. That may be a good filter, a bad filter, an in-between filter. Whatever the hell it is. Tomorrow the filter is different. Tomorrow how you feel about this is going to be different than what it is now. And it is going to be different the day after tomorrow and the day after that and there are certain things that you heard today, that you go “Oh yeah”. Tomorrow you're going go “What was that? What was that thing that I said “Oh yeah” to? I can’t remember that. That thing, what was that? Then you think Hell, it's lost, dammit.
If you tell somebody to wait and they don't wait, good riddance. Because they are never going to respect you. They're never going to treat you correctly. They're never going to see you for who you are. Every time an emotional person makes a decision in the moment, whoever they're dealing with, has lost respect for them. It’s just the way that it works."
~Ra Uru Hu