Vanessa Wesley (@bodyvoice) shared -
When the muse isn't know...those times you think you can't create, or you wonder why you haven't done anything with your art in a long while...
"Creative Intent
The life of an artist - I love to make music, but I can never sit down until I sit down. The keyboard sits in my room and sometimes I look at it and think, 'Why don't you call me now?' It would be really nice to go over there, and something will happen, and it doesn't.
This is the whole thing you learn as an artist. You learn to say, okay, no muse today.
And, instead of saying, no muse will ever come, you get into planing, and you get to see that on the plane that life can be rich.
It can be rich because you can put into life creative intent.
This is the whole thing about Individuality. The description I gave you the other day about my strange experience in the kitchen, cleaning everything up as a freak, one of the things where the whole perception of the beauty of life can be opened up for the Individual is when they see that every aspect of life has a creative potential.
Most Individuals, being creative by nature, the conditioning is that you're only creative if you're a star.
So, if you like music you want to be a rock star. If you like to draw you want to be Picasso, and if you can't be Picasso, nothing is happening.
Then there's this sadness that you don't even enjoy the gift anymore because the gods haven't shined on you.
I have had so many musician friends in my life, talented beings who never made it and they all carry the same pissed off, nasty edge to them.
"Never happened for me," and they lose their love of their art."
Ra Uru Hu: The Mutative System