Thanks to Vanessa and Naim and Tiera (original poster from 2014), here’s a piece of the PHS course - if you’d like the whole thing, comment below or send me a DM, k?
Ra speaking about transference - 2 Taste to 5 Sound -
"This is the whole thing about the nature of transference anyway. And of course, at the mundane level, because I have discussed this at the mundane level, you get somebody who thinks that the mantra is going to make a difference in their life, or playing Mozart is going to sooth them, when it fact it‘s only going to make them sick.
That it‘s not the sound that‘s going to make the difference in their life. And it‘s not the sound that‘s going to make them feel better. It‘s amazing how many people have 2nd Color determination who think that listening to music is healing for them.
That‘s about as insane as you get."