“The fact is that not only are we divided into pentas in this room but we are also in a larger, larger transauric form that is coordinating the information that I am putting out to you is being processed by you. In fact in this size of a group live you are actually taking in information totally differently than the way you would take that information in if you were in a group from 5 to 3 or if you were alone. It’s just different, we are coordinated, we are helpless, we are choiceless, and we are not in charge. And the illusion that we are running around and running the show is really just that, it is an illusion. What controls life on this planet, human life on this planet are pentas. This is what controls life, this is what gives life its potential, and everybody participates, from the moment they come into the world everybody participates in a penta. This is what the family is…
As an individual I am very powerful, I am quite aware of my design, but the moment you put me into a penta, I am absolutely useless. When I am in my family penta I am at the low rom of the scale. I am not smart enough, useful enough, I am not considered in family decisions because I have absolutely no impact in that penta. None.
I run a big business now and I do it all by myself. And I never do it in a group, and I never have group meetings, and I never get into pentas because the moment I get into pentas hey, I am useless…
And we were all born into pentas, all of us. Ever notice how bizarre that is when you become an adult? You make this way in your life and then there are those occasions whatever it happens to be where the family gathers and you go back into the penta and everything you have gained on the outside is lost. Because you can only be in that penta what the limitation of the form is, you don’t get to take yourself in. And what you will get to see is only an aspect of you in essence was ever a component of the family you grew up in, the family that you have, the people that you work with, the groups that you hang out with, because you see everything about the nature of life is controlled by the pentas. Everything. And we have no conscious access to it. None. It all runs on imperative, genetic imperative.
This is the great curse, I am going to start with the curse. It is the curse of the genes, it is the curse of the designer genes to make a nice title. The genes say we only want something different. We are going to be attracted to all those things we are not, because when we reproduce we are going to have something different and new and fresh. This is the demand of the gene pool, always, endlessly…
So you have the partnership and one of those days they become pregnant from it and they have a child, and the moment they have had the child everything has changed. Because the moment you have that child is the moment you enter into a penta and you stop being who you are and you become whatever your limitation is within that penta. Not only that but the genes have you trapped. Cause you see when you have one child you are cursed. Threes either become fours of you get divorced and you become two.
You have a couple they have a child, now the moment you have a 3 you’ve got a problem. And it’s very obvious the problem when you have a 3. You only have two people who can look at each other at the same time. Somebody is always left out so the first thing that the genes do is they set you up to someone who is not necessarily correct for you it’s just attraction and then on top of that you have a child and the moment you have a child you bring more tension into your life than you had before. And the tension you bring into your life is that you have this three dynamic and it is nothing but natural tension.
So we know that the vast amount of divorces take place when the family is a 3. This is the tension place. And of course depending on the society you live in that 3 is never really a family. Why isn’t it a family? because one of them is always away, working as an example. So if you take the archetype of the male going to work and you have the female at home with the child that is not a family, that is a partnership. And that is a partnership between the mother and the child and it is only a family in those moments where the 3 are together and then you have the tension.
And of course what happens is the male comes home and the female that has been dealing with all that stuff all day just wants some time off and so the male and the child become a partnership. The female goes out and there is no family and out of that comes a lot of tension and the genes are saying we want you to be tense because we want you to have more…
This is the first moment where the genes reward you. the moment you become a 4 the 4 is very stable…and it is the first moment where the genes say alright, good for you, very nice isn’t this all cosy and sweet? If you meet people who have one child a couple, with one child the moment they have two is the first time they are ever going to have a sense of family. It’s the only time family exists. It’s the only time it is stable, if one goes away there is still three. It is still a penta, it’s still a family, it still operates in that coordinated way.
But the genes are not finished because they say hey, look what if one of the kids is gay? What if they die young? What if they are impotent? …. You might as well have another one. Just, just for security reasons. And so we end up with the penta. We end up with the archetypal family construct. And the genes are very happy, they don’t care about your mortgage and education bills, but they are really happy you have done your job you have produced one more guaranteed over the two that are necessary, everything is aright…
When you look at your relationship with your parents the way they think about you, the way they have framed you in their memory is rooted to the way you impacted them in their design. It’s the way they understand you. And the negatives are where you put a center turn a center on that they don’t have that became distorted for them cause that’s how they associate their relationship to you. “this one made me crazy. She was driving me crazy.” You remember the frequency, but it wasn’t who you were, and worse than that, it is not who they were. It is what happens when the two of them are together and you don’t know what is going on…
The moment you enter a family your family becomes your life, no matter what else you do. It is the deepest bond that we have. And the moment you get into that process you become something else, and if you don’t know how that works, what you become is awful, totally change you…
…It’s not like these New Agy folks claim that you are somewhere up there in bubble land and you decide who your parents are going to be…”
~Ra Uru Hu