If Human Design were a board game … Destination: Outer Authority
I’ve started many sessions early on, especially for Left Minds, (because sequential ‘works’ more naturally for the Left Mind) with the idea -
‘If Human Design were a board game, Outer Authority would be the prize at the end’
The Ra passage shared below says basically that. We meet our purpose when our refined Outer Authority is available and received by the people who it’s for.
Loosely speaking - the way we “get there” is -
🍿 Core Refinement - Strategy & Authority (taking body cues from our Inner Authority is key - it’s ultimately the final answer for movement, or not, ie it’s the Boss)
🍿 Refinement 1 - PHS aka Primary Health System - the way your body and cognition can be best supported with correct input for (eventual) optimal output.
🍿 Refinement 2 - Environment - correct environment supports the body and is also where we meet the right people.
🍿 Refinement 3 - View/Perspective once the earlier refinements are starting to kick in, we get the opportunity to see what we’re here to see. Which is of primary importance for the output stage. If we’re in the wrong “place/circumstance” or pointed in the wrong direction (distracted) or connecting with people who are not able to receive our Outer Authority in the end, we’re not going to be seeing/experiencing the input that’s necessary for the output.
A distorted view (aka Distraction - basically View transference) is not what will get you to your refined Outer Authority.
🍿 Refinement 4 - Awareness/Motivation - is what I think of as a specialty lens that when we’re pointed in our correct viewing direction, we each primarily understand the world through.
It’s the basis of our area of expertise that can be honed via the Refinements that have come before (or more likely are happening concurrently via ever- refining Strategy & Authority)
🍿 The “Finish Line” - Refined Outer Authority. The output that only we are here to deliver, received by exactly the right people.
But I’m going to let Ra expand on that.
Here’s a transcribed passage that explains:
“We’re here to communicate truth. Our truth.
Not our homogenized variation of the homogenized story; our truth, our uniqueness, our pureness as beings, our perception.
Everybody wonders about, oh, poor mind, it can’t make decisions anymore.
Give me a break.
You can see here what mind is for; it’s to communicate down the fractal line its unique truth.
And not so that it becomes the next one’s truth, but that it is received correctly.
That’s all.
It’s all you can ever want and ask is that the other hears you.
Outer authority is an expression of our purpose.
You only get to true Outer Authority when you are beginning to live your purpose.
It’s the expression of it.”