Extra long Ra passage on Undefined Head - thanks to Lora Žuanić.
My Head Center is open (meaning no hanging gates waiting to fire off whenever it’s defined by another’s Design or the transits).
I’ve said plenty of times and continue to believe that were it not for being able to really witness my Open head’s pressures, my experiment would have basically never got off the ground. There simply was to time for it.
ALL of my waking hours were absorbed and occupied with answering literally everyone’s questions. And I’m talking like - even in the grocery store with strangers 👀😆
Here’s Ra, speaking of undefined heads -
Lora wrote:
Undefined head - it’s a long one, but a good one.
“When you’re looking at mind, when you’re trying to understand the nature of being, you need to see the forest rather than the trees. It's the forest that tells you the story. It's the forest that tells you how deep the malaise is in humanity. I mean that malaise is enormously deep, enormously deep, inbred generation after generation after generation.
And this is the homogenized domain in which every single human being can only be interested in being what they are not. And being totally conditioned, and totally conditioned through their openness, and through that openness, the decisions that have been made culturally and in terms of their civilization, those decisions that have been made in this not self groupings that established the not self laws, and the not self rules, and the not self moralities.
And you can tell the way we're set up. I mean, I like a good setup. I do. You know, I like this kind of thing where you look at the way in which it's all structured, and you see, “Wow, it's really something to get there.”
Think about the head center. I mean, think about this head center. This head center is a very strange thing. It really is. I mean, just the fact that half of it sits outside of the body, what's it doing out there? You know, the head center is something very different. As a center, you can see that it actually takes in auric information without the interference of the physical body, which is something in and of itself that's interesting.
And of course, in the terms of understanding the nature of mind, and something that we will eventually get to in our process, understanding the emergence of right tonal mind - that is the receptive mind - that the head center has a peculiar capacity for being able to take in a tremendous amount of information. It does, it takes in frequency. It is in the head center that the personality crystal sits and the personality crystal sits like the eye in the pyramid on the US dollar. It sits near the top of that pyramid outside of the body.
It's one of my favorite jokes about the limitation of the personality, that in the relationship between the design crystal and the monopole, that they won't even let the personality in. You know, “Two’s company and three's a crowd, you stay outside.”
And so there is the personality sitting up there in the head center, there is the head center with its unusual capacity to be able to filter the auric environment and all of that is what we will call within the context of the body graph a “pressure,” a “pressure.” Now, look, if you call something a “pressure,” then you know that if you don't release the pressure, something bad's gonna happen, you know? I mean, this is built into understanding this word. If the pressure is there, it's got to be released.
And oh my goodness, the dilemma of the head center, how to release this pressure? Because the release of the pressure is not up to it. And within the construct of what it is to be human, it is the ajna center like the farmer's hands, you know, that that pulls on the utter of the cow that releases the pressure. Because on its own, the head center is not designed to release its pressure internally. It's designed to release it as outer authority. But in the construct of what we are, there is constant pulling on this pressure center by the Ajna center, yanking on it literally. And of course the more pressure it releases, the more pressure exists.
And 70% of humanity, I mean, that's a lot of people. 70% of humanity have an undefined head center. Nearly 5 billion human beings have an undefined head center. Think about that. Look at that forest. And that vast, open head center. It's enormous. Its enormous. No consistent pressure. There isn't. It's open. There is no consistent pressure.
70% of humanity. And what is the not self strategy of the open head center? Pressure to think about things that do not matter. Oh, that's beautiful. You know, think about things that do not matter. 5 billion people on this planet. Can you imagine? 5 billion people on this planet are thinking about things that do not matter. Did Madonna actually adopt a child in Mali? You know, Malawi, or some kind of crap like that. 70% of humanity thinks about shit. I mean, it's incredible, can you imagine?. I mean, turn on the nightly news or the daily news or read the morning paper. They're all thinking about things that do not matter.
Think about your life. You know, think about waking up in the morning with your open head center and you're thinking about some stupid thing that does not matter. And you see nobody ever told you that. Nobody ever told those 5 billion people to stop chewing on that stuff, because it's not theirs. It's just passing through. It's not for you. Not for you in the sense that there's anything that you need to do with it. The hell am I gonna do with Madonna's adopted baby? It isn't going to make a difference in the bottom line of this life to be aware or not, to survive or not.
Think about the way in which we are locked into from the very start. Delusion. You had 70% of humanity thinking about something that doesn't matter. And they don't just think about it. They process it. “Darling, I need your help.” “No, I'm thinking about something that doesn't matter.” “The baby's drowning…” “I'm thinking about…” You watched the whole world go by because you're thinking about this thing, whatever that thing is, the obsession that drives you.
And this is the not self mind. It takes all that very seriously. All of it! Personal! I mean, it happened in your mind, right? That thought, that piece of information that suddenly you're chewing on. It happened in your mind. You think it's yours? You think you've got to do something with it? That's conditioning. Deep, deep, deep. And you don't just think about it. You do something about it. There we have the crux. You think about that thing that does not matter. Then it becomes the pressure on you to conceptualize some kind of sense out of it, some kind of answer, so that you can make a decision to deal with it. “I'm going to deal with it. I'm going to deal with this thing that doesn't matter.” Human beings do it, breath by breath, moment by moment, day by day. All the time.
See when you look at the very top , when you look at the head center, you know we don't equate it the way we do with motors because it's not a motor. It's pressure. It is the entry point of information entering into the vehicle. You know the neutrino stream moving down and its 88 degree line. That the stream is going through the personality before it's going through the design. Something to think about. And the personality assuming because of that, that it's in charge of everything. And this is the pressure zone. We are here to be cognitive. Everything about what it is to be a bio-form, everything in fact about the whole process of evolution as we understand it is to reach, reach bio-forms, reach platforms that can demonstrate consciousness, can demonstrate cognitive capacity, can ultimately demonstrate, as we do, self reflected consciousness. So everything about the essence of establishing the viability of what we are as part of this vast evolutionary process is to demonstrate intelligence. And so we have these open head centers that are constantly pressuring us. Constant.
Now think about the other side of the story. Think of all those beings 30%. That's a lot of people. You know, 2 billion people, 2 billion people with defined head centers. And what they point out, along with the program, everybody else takes in. And everybody else doesn't just take it in. The defined head center says da da da da da. And the open head center says, “Wow, that's really incredible. This is it. This is the answer.” Well, maybe. They're just thinking about something that doesn't matter. They've been told something that doesn't necessarily matter. Human beings, see I like to think of rave psychology as a mechanical way of reaching awareness. I think just the teaching of it is what that is all about. And yet it is so obvious to me how profound and invasive is the work of the not self. There is nothing that you can do for anyone if they are caught in that trap of conditioning. You can't. You can't help them because we're here to help their minds, their minds. And we're not getting to their minds as long as their minds are in the not self strategic mode. We're not reaching them. Don't you know that? You know, when you first get human design, and you're trying to tell somebody what it really is and there's this look in their eyes, you know? Their minds are preoccupied. They're preoccupied with things that do not matter. They don't.
What matters… I love that word in English. It is a great word: matter. I am a teacher of the form principal. This is what matters. It's all the matter. It's what it's about.
And it's the thing to recognize that everything about the release of the potential of the uniqueness of mind is dependent on giving full respect and power to the body. You know, only when the passenger understands that it is not its life to control. It’s its life to experience. It's not its life to control. And all that pressure that is running through the head center above this thing and that thing. How are you going to deal with this, and how are you going to deal with that? And I heard the other day that… you know how rumors turn into nightmares. It's all open head center. Nightmares! Mountains into mole, or molehills into mountains, I should say. You know, the work of the open head center, the amplification and the distortion of the pressure. You know, the person in the crowd who hears somebody say “fire” in a way that has nothing to do with a fire who screams “fire!” The amplification and distortion and the madness that follows it's going to be very difficult for you in your professional life to avoid people with open head centers. They're everywhere. They're everywhere. And you know they're thinking about all kinds of things that have nothing to do with what is possible for them as a being. Or what they really are as a being. They do not know themselves. They do not know their own mind or its capacity.”
- Ra Uru Hu
Transcibed from Rave Psychology, Semester 1