Q&A Sunday has arrived :) and a 6th line story …
Details for today’s Q&A Sunday are at the end.
And yes, the azaleas are in full bloom here. 😍
Reading this, I’m reminded of the ‘wistful’ discovery that we made 2 weeks ago at our last Q&A Sunday - and I attributed it to 4th line-ness.
Which I still believe there’s something there (could still be where the ‘wist’ hails from) … but the “being outside of” might actually be more about the 6th line - and correctness.
Read on and maybe you see what I mean?
Micah Jacobs shared -
"But the 6 is different. Look at that pressure—the pressure to separate or not. This incredible pressure to separate; not to be in the flock, not to be called, not to be shepherded, this is the thing that’s so incredible about the 6.
It’s the 6’s that in many ways through incorrectness suffer the most at the hands of the mob.
Yes, 5’s get burnt at the stake but it doesn’t happen all that often, in that sense.
But 6’s, they’re always on the outside of the spiritual process, the mystical process, the religious process. They’re not here to be in.
The Story of the Village
It was my story of the 5 coming into the village. Of course, the village is held together by a 4 shaman.
The 5 comes into the village and says, “God is pissed, it’s going to rain. You’d better build an ark.” Whatever the story is, it doesn’t really make any difference.
The 4 is very conservative. “It’s never rained like that before and God has not spoken to us about building an ark, and we have our own way.
Yet, because of the seductive power of the 5, there are those within the grouping that begin to get uncomfortable and wonder.
And the 4 is getting very concerned, of course.
So the 4 goes up the hill to the 6, the fool on the hill, sitting up there—not in the tribe, not out of the tribe, sort of the tribe, but not one of the tribe, aloof, separate.
The 4 doesn’t trust the 5 because the 5 is a muckraker, could wreck their whole network.
But the 4 will listen to the 6; it just will. It goes up there and says to the separate 6, “Well, what do we do?”
If the 6 says, “It looks like rain,” they build an ark and it becomes the new foundation.
And if the 6 says, “It isn’t going to rain,” they burn the heretic at the stake, or stone him or her, and get rid of them."
I’m down for Q&A Sunday today. I may be drawing during it - maybe not. Seems to be a pattern that’s catching on - drawing in the mornings.
And the big kids (Aleda and Austin) are coming to grill around lunchtime, so it’s likely to be a bit earlier than has been.
Maybe 11am Eastern? 11:30? 🤔
As usual, I can post a zoom link for all of the Planet Andrea Locals supporters appx 30 minutes before my intended arrival time.
So today that’s going to be 10:30am ish Eastern US time sounds like 👍🏼
If you’re not already a supporter, that’s easy to remedy via this link:
It’s a portal worth stepping through if you recognize me - lots of perks and resources at your fingertips … and if you don’t recognize me, then maybe ideal for both of us if you don’t step through 😊
Here’s a post, which could use some updating, that talks about the bonuses (let’s call them ethical bribes) that are available when you opt for an annual subscription:
And a post about Markets environment (mine) that explains why transactions make all the difference in this corner of the world:
And I do mean ALL the difference.
Maybe see you later ☺️🤗