Phillip Redd shared -
“I have emotional people in my life who have been there for a very long time and I weed them out.
There are certain emotional people that I can never tolerate so I don’t. But over time, through my own process in finding those emotional systems that I can live with, they’re educated, they learn about their own process. In dealing with people who are defined emotionally is recognizing how profound they are when they wait.
An emotional person that waits to release that emotional energy, their impact is really profound. I’m deeply sensitive to that. It’s very profound. That’s what they’re here for. It is our future. It is out of that emotional clarity that emotional awareness can emerge. And that emotional people, rather than being seen as the great chaotic forces, they can be the forces of peace and bliss. That’s what they’re here for.
Emotional awareness, emotional clarity is a byproduct exclusively of time. You see, emotional people can be deeply profound. As somebody who is so open emotionally as I am, I know how to love them. I know their beauty. I know how wonderful they can be. I know the deep, deep, deep pleasure that lies within the Solar Plex. Its joy for life, its sexiness. It’s all of those things. It’s lovely, lovely, lovely.”