What We See Through Personality Nodes 28-27
What We See Through Personality Nodes 28-27
[psst … my chart has 27/28 for Personality Nodes (where View hails from) in Line 6 AND Personality Sun/Earth (basically the portal for our Outer Authority/Awareness) in Line 1. He’s speaking my language here ❤️, maybe you can recognize being on the receiving end 🤗🙌🏼 … it’s not for me after all 😍]
Rose Osman shared -
"Okay, the 27, the 27, and the 28. The 27th gate is in the Sacral center. It is a genetic role gate and it is the genetic role Gate of Caring. It's a strategy like the 59th game. It's a wonderful line. The first line, it's about caring for yourself. You care for yourself first, then you can afford to care for others and so forth and so on. But anyway, the 27th gate is about caring and caring and it's about nourishment. Obviously, it is about the capacity to be able to see where that is and isn't. In other words, the level of nourishment, the level of caring that is there in the world around these beings. They obviously can see that.
But there's something else, obviously the 50 and the 27th. This is a very important channel. You've seen in my earlier point that the 50th gate, this is the source of our strategic intelligence. And it's something to understand that the Splenic system is not a motor. So when you're looking at the 27th gate, it carries a very special fuel. This is the fuel for intelligence and it actually is a fuel that fuels fear, which is the fear for survival, which fuels the strategies that lead to the intelligence. But nonetheless, it is the way that it works. And it's so important to see that this is one of the most important attributes that contribute to the better part of what it is to be human. In other words, this fuel that drives the demand for us to be more and more and more intelligent. All of that is coming out of the 27th gate.
So when you're seeing with that gate, you actually see whether or not the environment itself is nourishing. You get to see whether the collection of people, for example, that you might bump into, you can get to see whether or not they nourish, not you in terms of food and things like that. But they nourish your sense of security.
The one thing that the spleen is a fear system. And yet the one way to overcome the fear is through strategy and intelligence. And the one thing that provides the fuel for that is the 27th gate. So the 27th gate sees where fear exists that could be eliminated with intelligence. And that's a very important gift. It's a very special one. So many human beings are afraid of the wrong things. They should be afraid of conditioning rather than some of the things they think they should be afraid of. But this is a real ability to be able to see that in the world around them.
Without the 28th gate, we would as humans not really have one of our most unique qualities, which is that we seem to know somewhere inside of us that life has meaning. We’re not sure but we seems to know somewhere inside of us that life has meaning, that there is purpose. And everything about the 28th gate, The Preponderance of the Great. This gate is quite something. This is the fear of death, but it is the fear of unfulfilled life more than anything else. It is the fear of not having found one's purpose in life. And of course, it is the awareness that guides the Channel of Struggle to fight for and struggle for purpose in your life.
The 28th gate is individual. And as it is individual, it is melancholic. And not only is it melancholic, but it is indecisive. I don't know where to find my purpose. I don't know how to reach my purpose. I don't know for sure if there is a purpose, but I got a feeling. And when you think about the evolutionary history in that sense of humanity, that our triumph was not simply being able to survive.
Our triumph has been okay. We can survive. So that's not enough. Why are we here? What is it about? You know, and everything about the way in which mine has developed, goes right back here to the 28th game. Everything. This driving force that there's more to life than just surviving. You hear this all the time. There's more to life than a nine to five job. There's more to life than just going through what other human beings seem to go through in this process. There must be more. This is the 28th gate.
But of course, it can be depressive. It can be melancholic. When you look out of 28 eyes, you see that death is everywhere. It takes everyone all the time, moment by moment, second by second. Boy, it's there. Every time you run into the story of somebody who's died, there is this instant. Oh, my God. I better hurry, because if I don't figure it out soon, big trouble just means another damn incarnation being stupid. I don't want to do that anymore.
You know, you look out with 28 eyes. It is a sad world out there. But you also get to see those people who seem to have found a value or a purpose or a meaning in their life. You seem to see it in them.
You also see how sad and desperate so many human beings are. I mean, after all, one can never forget that the 28 also includes the 28.6 and blaze of glory, that human beings can be so desperate, so totally desperate for any chance of finding purpose, that they killed themselves getting there. Of course, they don't get there, but on their way. Looking out through the world through those eyes tells you something. This 27, 28 polarity. You cannot find purpose without intelligence for us, for any bio form, its purpose is limited to its level of intelligence. We happen to be deeply, deeply sophisticated as a form. So for us to be able to discern our purpose, this is quite something. But intelligence is what leads to it.
After all, you're involved in a knowledge that is rooted in Strategy being the answer. This is the theme of all of this. Everything about the Splenic system. I am a Splenic Manifestor. Everything about the Splenic system is strategy. If you're smart enough to get the best strategy you get the best results. This is strategy it's intelligence. You got to get there. The moment that you begin to follow your Strategy based on your type and all of that the moment you begin to follow your strategy that's the moment that you begin to move towards purpose. Strategy and purpose they are locked together and of course the pathway is intelligence.
I mean Human Design normally does not attract morons, this is not its history, it tends to attract very intelligent people actually they may be dumb but they're intelligent. It's nice because you cannot get to higher levels of strategic thinking and that's really what this is all about until you have the intelligence to be able to do so. It has to be there. It's a bedrock of it.
The 27/28 says “hey look don't just struggle, learn, learn, learn and then apply your learning to the struggle and it'll be much easier. You know, you need to learn things, you need to figure things out, you need to develop your strategic intelligence”.
So it is a very for me always fascinating polarity of the 27/28. And those that look out that way to see that purpose can be nourished and that purpose can be nourished through strategic thinking.
They see that. They also see that purpose can be denied when there is no clear strategy. If you look at the self-help world all of these people that provide advice on how to make your life better and blah blah blah and all that stuff all of them are providing you with their variation of a strategy. It's all strategy follow this and it works this way and then you do this and every time you have a bad day you whack the left side to the right side of your head or whatever the hell it is. Whatever the technique is"
Photo taken:
Tanjung Bungah, Penang Island.
December 2022.