6th Line? gotta know their age.
"Let’s say you have a 4/6. Immediately you have to know their age.
Their age tells you so much about them. What part of their age are they in?
If you get them young enough and they are in their kind of quote unquote ¾ stage [usually up till 28 or so] you’ve got a chance to warn them about bad associations, being really careful and selective about who is in your life and all of that kind of stuff because after all that 4th line personality is a very powerful thing and it draws connectivity.
You need to know their age. You need to know what to deal with in terms of in order to understand where they are. If you get to them early they are really confused yet at the same time you can really help them move though their Saturn because you can re-align them to what their potential is.
If they are on their roof phase that is between their Saturn and Kiron [30-50 years old-ish - exact date can be tabulated per Design], their whole relationship to everything around them is very different.
They are much less connected to the world around them, they are much more aloof. They are licking their wounds from that first part of their life. They are a different being.
And those that are post Kiron [50yo & beyond] who are only at this point 50 and meeting this knowledge they are the ones who actually are in so many ways at risk, their conditioning is deep and lifelong and they are in a very fragile point in their life because they are dealing with this tripartite state…
That 4 personality it wants to network with you but at the same time it wants to influence you…if you allow them to feel that you are influencing them in some way it’s going to make them feel more comfortable [seems like this is a typo - I think it would make more sense “if you allow them to feel like they’re influencing you I. Some way, they’ll feel more comfortable … this makes much more sense in my experience with 6th line people].
They are looking for ways to discover their role model potential.
It is always there and there is always this natural aloofness that ultimately is part of who they are as a being."
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Gaia Pulelehua and Oleksander Vasin
PS I grabbed a screenshot of a couple comments that I think add some juice - see comments 👍🏼😄