This reminds me of a quote someone tossed out at a tiny event I was able to go to about 10 years ago with my mentor, Mark Hoverson. It was actually a quote from one of his guests. He was known to invite his friends and contacts to come and contribute. Made for unique and unexpected experiences. :)
He’s since left this mortal coil, but over the weekend his name and influence on everyone, whether from direct experience or though secondary wave via we who had that opportunity - was thick.
I know I wrote that quote down in a journal - somewhere. 🤔 I remember it made me cry. But meanwhile, this passage of a Ra transcript is in that general flavor.
“Mutation is magic, but it is the illusion. It's not one of the cornerstones of the dimensional mechanical realm. Mutation is an illusion because it's all subjective.
Everything is always there, but you do not necessarily get it until it's time for you to get it. We have all kinds of things inside of us that are simply on/off switches. They can be turned on. Mutation is something that's waiting to happen. It's not like you have to pray for it or hope for it, because it's going to happen anyway. But in the end, it's an illusion.
By the time the mutation gets out, how quickly people forget that it was a mutation. It quickly becomes the norm. It quickly becomes the standard. There is this mutation that is constantly taking place that is always there clicking in at different times. It means that all of us are mutative. Thank God the Maya is a mutative field, otherwise we would be crystals in dead meat.
The mutation is there everywhere. But, you see, we cannot enjoy the theater until we can suspend our disbelief. We cannot be in the movie until we are willingly extras in the film. Only then do we get the magic of all of this. Only then do you escape the pain of the Maya.”
Via Chaitanya