The Fundamental Health Channels
Suzanne Zen shared -
“Between the Throat Center and the Splenic Center, these two channels, these two channels, the 16-48 which we've looked at, the Channel of Talent that we saw in the creative channels, and the 20-57 which we looked at, in a way, through integration. In the earliest teachings, in the very beginning of basic trainings, I taught that these were the fundamental health channels.
They were called the health channels, and you add the projected health channel out of the Spleen of the 44-26, because that's also enormously important to our well-being, it's just not about manifesting our well-being.
You're Healthiest When Recognized
You'll see that in the these three projected fields, that in order for us to be healthy we can only be healthy when we are recognized. When you're recognized for who you are, that's when you're the healthiest. And it's right there, in it being a projected element. It's right there. It just calls that out and says it to you. It says, "Well-bing as a human being is something that is part of you being recognized and part of you being able to be with others." One is tribal and one is individual and one is collective. It covers the spectrum.”
Ra Uru Hu
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