Koen’s Ra Quote of the day -
"It's a 3rd line day—this is not a day to be going out there externalizing and universalizing.
This is not a day to go out there and get things done.
This is a day in which, like all lower trigrams, they’re busy about their own business.
And, of course, the opportunity of the day, or the potential, of a third line day is that something’s going to bump into you.
The other thing is that because it is 3rd line and it’s trial and error, there is a tremendous amount of pressure in a 3rd line day to attempt things without being clear about whether it’s going to work or not. And a lot of people make that kind of mistake on a 3rd line day.
In other words, they try to get something out, and yet, on a 3rd line day, you know that there is going to be a bumpy road there.
You just know that. This is a martyr's day.
So, if you are a Christian, great day to pray. It's a martyr's day. But it’s also an anarchistic day.
So, anybody who has this kind of knowledge that's going to jump on a day like today is really going to look for trouble.
And one of the things that I do with 3rd line days, and it's one of the main themes that I see when I look,—remember, the Sun-Earth is 70%, so it's 70% of everybody's program today.
What I recognize clearly about a 3rd line day is that I have to watch out for who’s about to bump into me. That's what I’ve learned in my process.
I've learned to wait for those 3rd line day surprises, because they're surprises, and sometimes surprises are very pleasant. I'm attuned to the 3rd line through my mind, sometimes they’re very pleasant.
It's typical for me on a 3rd line day that unexpectedly, I get a piece of information that turns me on. Something that's fascinating.
My 3rd line mind attuned to getting it that way.
Often, though, I get a surprise that I didn't know was going to be there. The bumps in the road that come along.
So, for me, a 3rd line day is a day of observing.
It's a day of being very much a watcher, and it's the kind of day where you look over your shoulder.
Just in case something’s catching up on you."
~Ra Uru Hu