How many artists are among us? And might online sales be appealing 🤔
Whether you have defined “creative channels” or not, but maybe especially if you do, I’m curious to know whether there are enough of us here in Locals who might be interested in poking around at and possibly experimenting with implementing an online art selling system (for yourself) with me.
I clearly need people to coddiwomple with in any given direction. Human guinea pigs, fellow crash test dummies 😅🙃
Otherwise, there’s just ideas. That go no where, for no one. :)
Easier I think if you’re already an artist or have been one at some point in your life (though I can totally see where that could be it’s own barrier tbh), but also not required.
To me this would be an experiment in selling and transactions, the art is somewhat secondary and it would be possible to begin from scratch, or even partner up with an artist (or potentially use AI art really though, just saying the quiet part out loud there, not remotely advocating for it - found lensa on my phone the other day … deleted it).
I think part of my interest in this is as with any digitally based marketing - to see people who are otherwise trapped in trading time for money situations, have their Minds open up to the possibilities.
Good for any HD Type imho.
The images are my comments to someone in the Projector forum- her post was about bitterness related to setting up a physical exhibit and only making a few sales.
Not what #projectorsuccess is technically about.
And my questions if she were looking for guidance around what wasn’t working Re. that particular event would be about the quality of the invitations, her own expectations and what else happened that evening that she’s unable to see thanks to how her Mind is measuring it… but not being asked so 🤷🏻♀️
I did ask for her chart which held some clues (well, all the clues as we know, I just haven’t looked particularly deeply because again, no invitation so nothing to do) and this Artist Selling system did come bubbling up again.
I think it could be fun to play with - with a handful of people exploring alongside.
And I think it would be amazing to be able to introduce this as a possible solution to the right bunch of people.
Again - additional thoughts in the screenshots.
Early days, but already contemplating a second Locals for this conversation 🤔
This morning anyway 😄☺️