This is some next level nuance 👀
I love this passage. Nuance level activate 🫣😅
I also recall in the Melancholy audios, there’s a Gate in Ra’s chart where he talks about Melancholy through hearing. There’s a couple of Gates he could have been referring to, I’d have to go re-listen, but that’s maybe interesting context for what he’s sharing here.
I found it so anyway 😊
PS Oop it’s Gate 22, see my comment from Oleksander’s thread in image 2 👍🏼
Oleksander Vasin shared -
“So many human beings that take Human Design into their life find themselves to be relatively alone.
Yet, at the same time, you have to live your life. And not just live your life with the strangers of your life, but live your life with all those that you are connected too.
Whom, for whatever reason, are not operating correctly. After all, we are human beings, we are a garrulous lot, we do like to talk.
Conversation and chatting and all of these things are what it is to be human. It was the 19th century US military President Ulysses S. Grant who described humans as being a verb.
And it’s one of the first things that I discovered in my own process, was that it was painful for me to have inconsequential conversation.
It was painful in the sense that just about everything that I was listening to was not only obviously not-self but you could see the mind absorbed in controlling its process and controlling the illusion of its life.
And I’m not the kind of person that enjoys constantly reminding people they are incorrect or constantly pointing out the nature of their dialog is unaware. It makes it virtually impossible to have any kind of social interaction.
When you simply listen, and what you get to hear is this not self-mind in the process of decision making.
Things in conversation such as, ‘What are you doing tomorrow?” says one to the other.
Now, it seems like an innocuous enough question. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
And just the very phrasing, as if the ‘doing’ were up to you.
> What are you going to control in your life tomorrow?
> How are you going to control what you are doing tomorrow?
> How are you going to set up the world tomorrow so you’ll be allowed to do the thing.
It’s not that innocuous.
And the answer is ‘I will.’
Or ‘I’ll have to.’
Or ‘I’m going to.’
Or ‘I must.’
Or any of the other phraseologies.
And in these conversations what you get to see is the Mind taking full responsibility for the life. I decide.
In conversations, decisions are made all the time. All the time."
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Koen Hillewaert
PPS I added image 3 several minutes after first posting this - it was unfolding in real time 🙃