Thoughts on Raising 5th lines correctly
I think we’ve been served up part of this or another similar passage - this one seems longer 🤔
Also, I’m going to ask my Librarian about the Security Strategy, etc part. See if I can’t put my hands on the original text.
Drop a comment if you’d be interested in that too 👍🏼
“For me, the 5th line psychically is deeply damaged in terms of the way it operates on the planetary plane. You can see that in the Security Strategy. When you're looking at the Security Strategy you’re looking at the Distributor/Hoarder. One of the things about the 5th line being is that it has to be this whole business about “I can't; you can” is so they distribute their specialness.
One of the things that happens is if they’re treated in a mundane manner—in other words, if what they can do isn’t special, but if what they can do is what anyone else could be asked to do in those situations, so forth and so on—eventually that specialness as a potential in them doesn’t get distributed. They hoard it.
They hold onto it. They keep on holding onto it. And they become more and more repressed, and more and more paranoid.
And they get to the point where somebody is coming at them with their protection—and here in the 5/2 it’s just classic because they just withdraw—when they get people that are coming at them it’s not simply what do they want. It’s “What do they want? Don’t they know I don't have anything?”
That’s the net result in the not-self. “These fools. What do they want? I can't deliver that. I don't have anything special for them. I don't have the thing that they need. I’m not going to be able to save them. I’m not going to be able to help them. I'm not going to be able to do any of that. I have to be concerned with my own survival, so I’m going to hoard and hold onto things and protect myself.”
So it’s very important to see that the dysfunction comes very early. And in some ways it’s easy. After all, it’s a great game to play with your 5th line child: “I can't; you can. I can’t; could you?” Because all you’re doing is that you’re raising up of the well- being, the strength, the internal strength, the psychic strength of this being.
But really to understand that if that’s not done, they’re hoarders. I was one of the great hoarders of all time. I’m a really smart guy. I had enormous amounts of knowledge nobody had access to long before the Voice. All kinds of knowledge nobody had access to. It was just hoarded away.
I didn’t see myself as special. Freak, yes, my design is Individual; special, no, I never see myself as special. I wasn’t raised that way. I wasn’t raised properly as a 5th line Manifestor at all, at all. Nobody ever said to me “I can't.” It was like: “Oh my God, don’t give him a license to do things.” What I got was: “Everything is under control; don’t #$^% around. It’s all under control. Do what you’re told. When you’re old enough you can leave.” So, please understand the level of dysfunction in the 5th line. It’s huge.
Emotional Resonance; remember in looking at Emotional Resonance basically you’re looking at the frequency of the spirit as it relates to the quality of what life is; the ups and downs of the nature of being. And you can see here that this is something that will fluctuate between Selflessness—and selflessness is the only way you can universalize anything—or Selfishness.
And you can see how easily this binary operates based on whether you're going to have a healthy 5 or a dysfunctional 5. A dysfunctional 5, the Hoarder, they're going to be very selfish. They’re going to use their special gift for themselves. Well, it’s useless.
Imagine what that would be that I get the Human Design System
given to me and I never show anybody. I just use it myself. This is the risk that we all have when we have 5th line beings who aren’t raised properly, because they're not giving us access to all this stuff. They’re not.
When you know deeply in Human Design that every human being is unique, that each of us have something essential to contribute to the whole, if you’re a 5th line being you have something to contribute. You do, in the nature of what’s correct in your being.
And to see very clearly that when that selfishness rules, and most 5s are deeply selfish, they’re holding onto what they think is their specialness and they’re forced
to hold onto it because nobody else has really recognized it. And they're paranoid that nobody ever will. So, that specialness doesn’t come out and nobody gets the benefit.
And instead of being those that are automatically attractive in times of crisis when you need them, they're not anymore. They’re not attractive at all. They’re selfish. They’re practically invisible. They hold back their auras from you. They’re not going to give you anything; nothing.
So again, this is one of those things to see about the quality of their life is that you’ve got two billion people who are basically deeply selfish. That’s a real problem. That is now the universal principle. It is, after all. It’s the universal principle on this planet. It’s a universal principle that’s been brought by all the dysfunctional not-self vibes. This is their message to the world.
So when you’re dealing with educating the mother about the life of a 5, know how powerful an agent of propaganda the mother is for the specialness of the child. This is the kind of child that loves to hear its mother on the phone saying “I couldn’t; she did. I couldn’t do this and Jane just came in and she just did the whole thing and it was really incredible.” And little Jane is up in her room going “Hey, that’s cool.”
Or your next door neighbor comes over and they’re whining about that they have a problem and they say, “Oh, Johnny knows how to do that. Johnny, Johnny, could you go over and help Mr. Smith, blah blah blah.” Oh they love that. And they go over on their own and say “You want my special gift now, do you?” And they get such a reward because they can do it. The reward is the recognition “Hey, you’re good. That’s great. Thank you, blah blah blah.”
This is how you get rid of their selfishness. It’s not enough within the household to say “I can't; can you?” Not only do you have to be a mother that debases herself in front of her children, but she’s got to do it in public. She’s got to tell other people “I couldn’t, but she could.”
And of course, this is magic for the 5th line child. It’s going to take a Human Design mother to be able to do that, because it's quite a thing to do that. It's not a natural thing. It isn’t. We all know that. That’s not a natural thing.
Yet, at the same time to really understand that—again in my description it’s not about that you have to take this to some extreme. It's about recognizing that these children need to have universal praise as an instrument for them to recognize that their worth is universal. It’s not just in the little families. It’s not a 4th line theme, after all. It’s a 5th line theme.
So, there is this need to get that out. There is this need to be able to tell the other and make sure the child knows this. To be able to involve the child in understanding that this gift that it has, that it can be called upon to deliver that there are others that are going to be interested in this gift.
And of course, as you see your children develop, your 5th line children, you’re going to see that by the time they end their first Saturn quarter, about the time they’re 7 1⁄2 to 8 years old, that they start to develop specific interest in certain things in which they do have the potential of specialness. You need to encourage it. You need to encourage whatever it is, even if it’s something that’s only going to be temporary.
Remember, they're open to transpersonal karma, they may get turned on to very odd things. But the thing is let them develop that and then let everybody else know, sort of. Be their agent. “Oh, Jamie is doing painting classes,” or God knows what. “Oh you should see it, it’s wonderful. She could do one for you,” and on and on and on and on….
Remember, the Awareness Resonance is about the intellectual tools, the intelligence tools. It’s something to be clear about that no 5th line is going to develop the discipline they need in life unless they feel strength in their specialness, whatever it is. There is never going to be discipline brought to them.
I have been in my life the most undisciplined human being. I have broken so many rules and laws and you name it; so undisciplined. And now since 1987 I have been so disciplined in my specialness; so disciplined.
It’s one of the things to understand about the 5th line in its nature is that discipline only comes when they're identified with their specialness. And that’s something that can be nurtured in the young. And when you don't have that you just have rebellion, because every 5 coming into the world knows that the only reason they're getting projection is that everybody else is an idiot and useless. Just like their mother who says “I can't; can you?” Every 5 know that. Every 5 knows that humanity should be really redesigned, revamped, new models, fix the whole show.
So, it’s one of the things to understand that the rebellion is natural. So, if you’re a mother and you're not going to pay attention specialness of your 5, you're going to have rebellion on your hands. It would have been a lot easier for my parents to have seen that I was special and done that number with me—I can't; can you? — than do have dealt with my rebellion which was not nice to deal with; messy, messy, messy, messy, lots of problems, lots of anxiety, lots of everything, because that's what you get.
So, it's one of those things to understand when it comes to this theme of Discipline/Rebellion in most cases you’re only dealing with rebellion because the discipline can only emerge when there is a sense of specialness. That draws out the discipline and removes the rebellion.”
~Ra Uru Hu