Guest post by Eran Bucai - is below.
First, a few words from me -
Spotted this gem on my Newsfeed and though it’s not HD specific, it feels like it belongs here.
It kind of harkens to what I’ve said about “working in projects” as a way that can be practical and supportive of non-sacral energy in particular. I sometimes call them “sprints”.
I remember the first thing I ever saved up for. It was a certain kind of hamster cage (called a Habitrail). It had these cool plastic tubes that the hamster could use as tunnels to get from one ‘room’ of its house to another. They were brand new on the market I think, and boy did they market it right ‘cause I wanted one BAD.
Only problem was (and this is not addressed in this guest post) … I didn’t have any entrepreneurs around me to encourage working towards it in any useful way. I only had my allowance - which at the time I distinctly remember was .25 cents/week, and there was also birthday/Christmas money to wait for.
I was literally being conditioned to wait for a handout (because my Mother didn’t know any different herself - she was an employee all her life) so I could get the things that marketing had already sold me on.
It would be years later when I was into my early adulthood before I came to know the beautiful personal-autonomy of entrepreneurship.
To know that one can provide value to others and have them gladly pay you for your time and attention, or your creativity - is everything.
Now I do things like book flights and event tickets before I even know where I might stay. Inner Authority guiding me, of course.
NOT knowing where the money may come from, but fully confident in my ability to make it, not wait for it.
Yes, I rise to the occasion of short term goals. It’s short term, specific ‘goals’ aka “projects” that have always moved me best.
Let’s call them “mini-why’s”
With this Open G, I don’t have any business worrying about “my purpose” or a particular direction to go in. Though once I’ve made a decision correctly (at a neutral wave point in my case), I do coddiwomple on with conviction.
“Let’s see what happens when we do this” 🙃
I dunno if any of this might resonate with you - or if it’s just a nice story about me buying a cool hamster cage as a kid.
Here’s the post from a guy (Eran Bucai, who I don’t know lol) that was on my Newsfeed this morning:
This is not gonna be a cliche post about this topic :-)
It's something that came up during a conversation with one of my DCT members who joined my membership mostly to be able to "pick my brain" as a business owner, not so much that she needed help with the tech.
And she had a really good strategy to get traffic to her business, and was breaking even on her overheads but wasn't yet making a profit.
This is a slightly different call because a lot of people I work with are starting at zero.
She was a bit further ahead but still didn't have a clear funnel in place to turn strangers into customers.
She is doing other things to make money but these aren't her passion as much, the thing that she's passionate about isn't making enough yet.
She was comfortable.
Somehow the topic of goals came up.
And we went over what's her NEXT why?
What do I mean by NEXT why?
Instead of digging deep into your soul and try to figure out your life purpose...
Start with figuring out what's your WHY for the next week or month...
i.e. what is the next thing that she wants to get done in her life?
It could be anything from "upgrading computer" to "saving up for the next holiday" or "paying off a credit card".
But breaking up your goal into the "NEXT WHY", all of a sudden there's a reason to do the work required to make that happen.
I know that I work like that all the time.
I wanted to fly to Israel on holiday about 3 months ago.
Business class flights, hotels, Thailand, Dubai, skydiving, etc. all that added up to about $10K.
That gave me something to work toward.
Then, when I was in Dubai I decided to move there. That required a hefty investment to set up a company there, as well as tickets again.
It also required other lots of other logistics.
The point is you have lots of things happening in your life.
Family, friends, personal ambitions, etc.
Figure out what is the NEXT WHY for you...
It can be something as "small" that you need to do this week.
That's a good enough why just to get motivated and do the work required.
Without clarity on WHY you are doing what you're doing, even if it's semi-temporary, you'll probably struggle with being motivated or disciplined.
Just wanted to share this as it was such a good discussion in that coaching session and I didn't want to have it just between me and my client - it was worth sharing.
PS - yes, I landed in Dubai, sitting at Starbucks at the airport using the wifi here until I can go and check in to my hotel. Loving the Digital Nomad life already 🤩”
And now back to Andrea :)
I can put a link to the original thread in a comment in case that’s interesting 👍🏼
And PS. maybe interesting side note - we never did give our three kids an allowance, though I have always offered to pay for chores to be done.
Bassackwards from how I and everyone around me was raised.
Has resulted in a lot of chores going undone though 🤔😂🤭
Maybe I could use a “get a housekeeper” goal 😋 … I have thought seriously about hiring our oldest daughter, @leed to cook several weekly meals for us.
Neither of these have happened … yet. :)