"We well-know that one of the prime ways in which we can see the failure of collective dictatorships, collective totalitarian states, collective absolute monarchical states is that we can see right away that they have enormous problems in being able to get their societies to be able to function at a level in which all of the citizens can truly benefit.
They're not successful - they tend to be failures. And they tend to be failures because they lack that innovative spark that transforms the status quo into something that can be successful for the society.
When you look at the world today and you see the level of intolerance that exists in the world it is directly attributable to the strength of the collective in ruling us and in the restrictions that are placed on individuality.
It is only when we operate correctly as ourselves; it's only when we do not need to have authority established for us - it is the most important right of all - it's the right of each human being to act according to their own authority.
And if each human being is acting according to their own authority, if they are following their strategy, if they are following their inner authority, if they are operating correctly as themselves, then they will be in a world without resistance and there is a place for them in this world.
There is a place for all of us in this world. That being together as a specie is not about controlling us. It is not about the fear of what our potential is. It isn't just
about power and money and all of the things that are layered out there in the media everyday.
It's just about us, human beings, each and everyone of us, one at a time waking up to the truth, your own truth, the perfection of what it is to be you."
~Ra Uru Hu