Sandra Zitto (emo MG) writes -
My motivation is 4 Need, and I am primarily selfish being, my needs first and then others, not the other way round. And there is no morality possible in this equation, if I'm not operating correctly I cannot influence correctly my fractal, I will be lost in conditioning and frustration in the Maia.
I'm here to wake up on my own (20-10), I've got 6th lines, 6th colours and 6th tones in IC and Cross of life. I'm here on my own, I'm 51.6, I'm here transcending all alone even in company, I need to separate myself not only physically but spiritually, I've got the path of a shaman that even when hurts do not show up that to others, why? Because is a solitary path.
My personality has different dimensions and that depends of I'm correct or not. But before being correct was the incorrectness and that was the way to learn and transcend it.
My main transference is fear, but also others (4th colours transfers to all the others, this could be another post of my observations). So my mind freaks out and my needs of wake up get into neediness asking others for help to whatever the case might be, and that is not what my life is about, I'm here to transcend things alone, on my own, with my own resources. So this was for long time, I was asking for help and doors were closing one by one, no choice, painful not self, finding only resistance on the way.
Yeah, let it go of expectations is a biggy, let go of neediness is a biggy, find satisfaction when you only knew frustration is a biggy.
It takes courage, stupidity, I don't know, stubbornness (another theme of 4s), don't give up, hope one day will show up, stop making same mistakes, going back and check how the decisions were made, what was the source or the need or the expectation or the old pattern from far away was repeated again and again?
These observations helped me to choose wisely but it wasn't the end, the wall I'm facing now is the traumas that became patterns of repetition from a place I don't know where they came from, so I'm in this journey of learning /practising biodynamic craniosacral therapy, which is as I say a deep and organised way of going one layer at a time. Every time I'm finding a new layer that was forgot in the past experiences and I transcend them is a feeling of more space, more relax, more alive, some patterns just vanish up and even the memory if they are are going away, so I'm more present in the moment, my frequency changes, my vitality changes, life's feels easy and no resistances.
My point is every keynote has different dimensions but at the same time has it limits in which you can experience them, layers of conditioning within one keynote, yeahhhh is a long way of de conditioning, do not give up on the first shocking finding of your own conditioning, keep tight with your S&A, you'll find another layer, and another layer and so on, but Oh boy! That is so satisfying!!! Wow I love ❤️ HD so profoundly!!!
[I think this may be a repeat quote in here]
Quote of the day
Motivation moves us towards the fulfillment of our purpose.
“You can’t imagine how powerful Motivation is, and I don’t mean powerful in the sense that there are these robust arms pushing you somehow. What I mean is that Motivation is like the plow on a tractor after there has been a snow storm. It moves away clear.
What Motivation does is in its own way, because of the way in which it fuels our actions, is it moves us towards the fulfillment of our purpose. You cannot talk about any aspect of the vehicle, or the way in which the vehicle operates without understanding that it is rooted in chemistry, what we call Motivation. There is an underlying chemistry that is at work. And in order for that chemistry to operate correctly everything has to operate correctly; has to be fueled correctly. It’s about operating correctly. Here is this being and they’re motivated by Guilt; change things, accept change, change things, fix them, and be fixed. And change them because you must, because otherwise you carry the discomfort of the guilt. And when you’re driven to fix things and you’re here to fix them, you’re driven to be the conditioner or the conditioned. This is what you’re all about.
It's like the Messenger. Everything about the nature of the Messenger is that the Messenger is the Guilt force. At the personality level, the Messenger is here to get you to change. This is what the Messenger does. This is what Outer Authority is all about. Its Outer Authority is there to get you to change.”
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Koen Hillewaert