Alok writes (translated from Spanish by FB). Also, don’t let the word passion throw you, it’s an idea that’s been overinflated imho.
Lots of words have been distorted by new age ‘gonna save the world’ messaging (frankly I think it’s been toxic in many ways, and you maybe already know I don’t use that word much - it’s also been ruined 😜😄)
“Goal 55 the crowd
People don't see the abundance that life has in store for them every day.
This abundance is not an idea, but the organic substance of life itself, the fullness of light, the fullness of space, the fullness of trees, the fullness of wind, the fullness of elements. But people always want what is not there, they want tomorrow, they want more or they want less.
Abundance isn't about more or less, abundance is about everything at once because until you die, you always have everything. This universe, including you, is mine. And when I die, you all die with me. ain’t nobody gonna see you the way i see you after this. This is the nature of the individual mind, until you lose everything, you have life, you have everything it brings.. Abundance has nothing to do with worldly things.
You see, emotional intelligence is about the poetic mind because the way the mind has manifested itself throughout history has often been through poetry, art, music, silence, relaxation.
But if you understand your emotions and deal with them patiently, then you can live in that space every day and every moment of your life, in a state of deep grace.
This is the state where you don't count what you can lose or win. Have no fear, have no fear. Unless something raises the nervousness or the danger, something that makes the waves crash. Her emotional cup just fills up again.
This always happens because life is exciting, it's all about passion, being passionate about something, but be clear about what your passion reveals about you, because your passion says nothing about others.
It is your own passion for life, not your emotional attachment to someone, not your obsession with a certain type of experience. it's just the passion for life, the feeling of being alive in life.
This is what emotional intelligence is all about, not letting the mind create a separation, my life your life.
There is life and this is how I feel about life, no, not philosophy. This is not a truth to be philosophized, not a truth to discuss with others. It's my own living truth. It's the truth that I love you in this moment and also my truth that I love to be alone in another now. It doesn't even mean I hate you, it just means I hate being around you when my wave changes.
If I can just walk away, I don't need to hate you or anyone else. It just means that I must empty myself from your love so that I can reconnect with the purity of my own, so that love does not become a place of dependence that makes both you and I smaller than we seem I am. But will become what she should be. It gives you and me wings, trusting the way the human spirit manifests itself through us.”
-Alokanand Diaz