“If you have non-Sacral children as a couple, you can still have your quiet time. It’s really easy.
The secret is that you don’t tell your Manifestor child or your Projector or Reflector child to go to sleep. You tell them to get into bed.
And you tell them get into bed and you don’t care when they go to sleep. Just get them into bed.
They can do what they like in bed. They can read. They can listen to music. They can do whatever it is. It doesn't matter what age they are, they just get into bed. And there is no pressure on the actual sleep. It’s the getting into bed that’s important.
Remember, for the non-Sacral being, one of the most important things that you do for yourself is that you actually rest before you sleep.
It’s very important; you rest before you sleep. I talk about just lie down. You don't have to turn off your life.
You can do things that you like to do, whatever it is, watch TV, a movie or listen to something or whatever. But the whole thing is that you're getting into a relaxed horizontal position. You’re lying down. You prop your head up. You simply relax your body.
What’s so important about that is that when you're dealing with a non-energy type, what that rest does is that it gets rid of the Sacral frequency that you’ve taken on all day.
We live in a Sacral world. We live in a Generator world. It’s one of things I talk about with people needing to have their own space, how important it is.
If you’re a non-Sacral being and you're in bed with a Sacral being, you’re really in trouble.
You’re not able to relax your body. You’re not able to rest. You're not a Generator.
So, it’s very important for the mother of these non-energy or non-Sacral, I should say, beings to recognize: All right look, you can send them to bed at seven o'clock. Even if they’re 18 they might take a friend with them, you can send them to bed at seven o’clock, but you’re not telling them to go to
It’s a very different movie. So, they learn to do that in their life and it’s so healthy for them.
There is a certain time in my house—I live with three Generators, I have a totally open Sacral Center, no activations—and there’s a certain time every evening in my house around nine o'clock I
close my door: Don’t come in.
Don’t come in here with your Sacral frequency. Don’t mess up my rest time.
It’s time for me to get all of the Sacral out of my body. And by the time I’ve relaxed through that process, I can very comfortably go to sleep and sleep well.
It’s one of the things that’s so important to understand about these children. It doesn’t sound like a big deal. You can't imagine how important it is for their physical well-being, to the operation of their brain, to their ability to be able to deal with oxygen. This is an incredible thing for the body.
I wake up in the morning regardless of my lifestyle, my age, my habits, I wake up refreshed. And it’s part of knowing how to get the Sacral frequency out.
Anything I can tell a non-Sacral being and teach them from my deepest wisdom which is my totally open Sacral is that clean out your Sacral before you go to sleep at night. Don’t take it with you.
The first seven years the relationship between the mother and the child, and particularly around bedtime, this often includes the father, this is where some of the worst damage is done is at this time of going to bed.
Let me explain this to you. Think about the phenomena of what you go through when you're putting your child to bed. When you put a non-Sacral child to bed and put them to sleep before they’ve rested, you must understand that this is not something that is going to be healthy for them. It isn’t.
One of the most common things is either the mother lying down with their children in bed to help them go to sleep. Basically they’re forcing them biologically to go to sleep. Or mothers, and often fathers, sit with their children and read them stories until they collapse into sleep.
Now, if you have a Generator child you need to read as many stories as you can to exhaust the little buggers before they’re gone.
But if you have a non-Sacral child, sit with them on a sofa somewhere and read them a story and
then send them off to their bed and let them read to themselves if they want.
And if they don’t know how to read yet, read the story to them and sent them off to bed with a book.
They can sit and look at it on their own, relaxing out of your aura.
Now, obviously, there can be exceptions to this. That is, a non-Sacral parent who with the child doesn’t make a definition to the Sacral. But you’re not going to have a lot of that. When there Is No Sacral Activated between Mother and Child. You’re not.
But obviously, like with everything when we’re dealing with the reality of how diversity works, we’re going to have those kinds of examples where you don’t have a carte blanche where you say you’ve got a non-Sacral child, don't lie down with them in bed. Don’t read to them in bed.
Make sure that you check and see because if there's no Sacral activated, there’s nothing wrong with that mother lying down with that child, nothing with that mother reading the child while it’s in its rest period.
But it's very important to see that as a general rule of thumb, don't do that. Now, there's a lot of social morality connected with these kinds of things that it's the right thing to do that you read to your child a bedtime story.
This is Generator propaganda. This is 70% of humanity. Reading Dr. Seuss 8000 times really puts Generators to sleep. It works. It’s their movie. It really is, totally. It has nothing to do with the non- Sacral being. It has nothing to do with the non-Sacral child.
If you can get a mother to recognize that for her non-Sacral child, if she can allow that child the privilege of being able to have its rest time and its healthy sleep, everything about that child's development is going to be healthier. And their frequency is going to be healthier. They’re going to be less susceptible to many problems, not just from the physical level but from the psychological level.
So, it’s something very, very important to pass on to mothers who have non-Sacral children. If you have a child that has an open Sacral and you have a Sacral mother, and she lies down with you, she re-energizes you. It’s all that Sacral frequency back in there. And the whole thing to recognize about these children is that they need to clean that out of their system. That’s what the rest is for. That’s what the time alone in that rest space is for. This is the cleaning out of that energy.”
~Ra Uru Hu